lunedì 7 giugno 2010

The iPad Pocket Guide

Contenuto del volume:

Quickly master all the features and functions of the iPad with this handy well-crafted pocket guide. Versatile, portable, powerful, ergonomically and functionally designed, the iPad is the perfect companion for digital media. With photos, music, movies, e-mail, and more than 150,000 apps, the iPad will help you organize, explore, and maximize your digital world. And, that's where this book steps in. Handy, inexpensive, and to-the-point, it's a complete companion to all the features and functions of the iPad including: Mail, Safari, Photos and Video, App Store, iBooks, Maps, Notes, Calendar, and Contacts. It will help you get up and running with easy-to-understand instructions, and then show you hidden gems and tips to make you a true iPad expert.
  • Snappy writing, eye-catching graphics, and a clean design walk you through the most common iPad tasks.
  • Teaches the major apps and functions including Calendar, Contacts, Maps, Notes, iPod, and Spotlight Search.
  • Complete coverage of iTunes, App Store, and iBooks along with tips and tricks for each store.
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "The iPad Pocket Guide" di Jeff Carlson, edito da Peachpit Press, è in vendita anche su

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