lunedì 14 giugno 2010

Upgrading to Microsoft Office 2010

Contenuto del volume:

Prepare to transition your Microsoft Office 2007 skills to the Microsoft Office 2010 software with UPGRADING TO MICROSOFT OFFICE 2010. This print product is closely integrated with SAM 2007 v6.0. Using both products together will allow you to expose you to Office 2010, enable you to stay current, and gauge your competency in Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010 with one assessment product.

Table of Contents
  • Unit A: Upgrading to Word 2010.
  • Unit B: Upgrading to Excel 2010.
  • Unit C: Upgrading to Access 2010.
  • Unit D: Upgrading to PowerPoint 2010.
  • Appendix: Getting Started with Office 2010.
  • Appendix: Working with SkyDrive and Office Web Apps.
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Upgrading to Microsoft Office 2010" di Mary-Terese Cozzola, Barbara Clemens e Barbara M. Waxer, edito da Course Technology, è in vendita anche su

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