domenica 27 giugno 2010

Legend Maker: The ePub, iPad, and Kindle Book Builder for Mac OS X

Contenuto del volume:

Legend Maker takes all the hassle, confusion, and mystery out of creating perfectly formed electronic document and ebook files. It does this via an easy two step process. First, you use a word processor to insert a few simple tags into your document. Second, you run Legend Maker, and perfect ebook files are automatically created.

Legend Maker * Uses a standard word processor file * Honors boldface, italics and underlining * Inserts pictures where you want them * Inserts page breaks where you want them * Automatically inserts the cover picture * Automatically creates a Table of Contents * Automatically inserts and positions your tables * Automatically creates endnotes from footnotes * Automatically inserts book metadata And More!! This User Manual will show you how Legend Maker will convert your document into either an ePub file, a Kindle file, or both. Between these two file formats, your manuscript will be able to run on most of the major ebook readers. So... Let's get started. It's time for you to make a legend!

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Legend Maker: The ePub, iPad, and Kindle Book Builder for Mac OS X" di ZappTek, edito da Fireship Press, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 5,63.

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