martedì 25 marzo 2014

Another 50 Tips & Tricks For Dynamics AX 2012 (Dynamics AX Tips & Tricks)

Another 50 Tips & Tricks For Dynamics AX 2012 (Dynamics AX Tips & Tricks)
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Dynamics is a great product, because anyone is able to master the basics with just a little bit of a test drive. As you use it more, you will probably stumble on feature that no-one mentioned that makes Dynamics AX even better, and you store it away in your back pocket to use later on. The more you use the system, the more of these you will find, and with enough of these you turn from just a User to a Power User.

After releasing the initial set of tips and tricks, I realized that I had enough additional tips for a second volume containing 50 more tricks and tips that you can take advantage of within Dynamics AX. They range from tips on tweaking the Dynamics AX client to some of the hidden features within Dynamics AX itself that you may not know you can do. They also include tips on how to use other tools that are available to you to report better from the system, and how to use the office suite to really power charge Dynamics AX.

You will definitely find at least one or two more tips that will make your life easier.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Another 50 Tips & Tricks For Dynamics AX 2012 (Dynamics AX Tips & Tricks)" di Murray Fife, edito da Blind Squirrel Publishing, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 11,10 e come libro tradizionale su al prezzo di Euro 29,64.

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