giovedì 20 marzo 2014

Digital Photo Editing with Picasa for Seniors: Get Acqainted with Picasa: Free, Easy-To-Use Photo Editing Software

Digital Photo Editing with Picasa for Seniors: Get Acqainted with Picasa: Free, Easy-To-Use Photo Editing Software
Contenuto del volume:

Maximizing the use of Picasa, the photo management and photo editing software, is made easy with this practical guide. All of the basic functions of this free program are explained with step-by-step instructions and practice photos. Several useful editing options-such as improving color quality and removing undesirable red eyes-are also explained.

The guide shows how to crop or straighten photos in a few seconds, print them, create a slide show, burn them to a CD or DVD to safeguard them, make web albums, or publish photos on a blog. Thoroughly tested by seniors and based in practical experience, this guide also has an extensive index that helps older adults find exactly what they are looking for, making it easy to manage, edit, and present a photo collection with Picasa.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Digital Photo Editing with Picasa for Seniors: Get Acqainted with Picasa: Free, Easy-To-Use Photo Editing Software" di Studio Visual Steps, edito da Visual Steps B.V, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 15,13.

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