domenica 30 marzo 2014

Excel Programming through VBA: A Complete Macro Driven Excel 2010 Application

Excel Programming through VBA: A Complete Macro Driven Excel 2010 Application
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Excel Programming through VBA: A Complete Macro Driven Excel 2010 Application

After completing this EBook you will have a complete, macro driven, Excel application. The original version is Excel 2010, but the code and functionality is designed to work on previous versions; in addition to the 2013 version. All source code and Excel sheets are downloadable from the author's web site.

We will cover the following subjects.
  1. Using the Match statement
  2. Creating a user interface with UserForms
  3. Loading web addresses from your Excel application
  4. Programming Excel through VBA-based subroutines
  5. Creating button functionality through code
  6. Populating form elements with values in your Excel sheet

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Excel Programming through VBA: A Complete Macro Driven Excel 2010 Application" di Stephen Link, edito da Link Em Up, Publishing div, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 1,48.

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