sabato 15 marzo 2014

Teach Yourself Microsoft Word 2013

Teach Yourself Microsoft Word 2013
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Some people say that Microsoft Word is so easy that there is no need of any book to learn this program. What they say is right, but do you know one thing? They have never known how big Microsoft Word is, and what are the advanced commands associated with this application. For example: Hyperlink, Mail Merge, protecting a document with password, locking a document so that no one can even open it, locking the entire folder, saving as PDF, and saving as Web page. These are the advanced commands in Microsoft Word which help you understand this application thoroughly and completely. And so, we have explained about all these commands, and have given the steps with pictures in this book.

Cromosys Publication’s Teach Yourself Microsoft Word 2013 book is an optimal quality guide to the beginners and advanced learners of Microsoft Word 2013. We are the leading book publisher of languages and technology. Our research and education center working for last fifteen years has made tremendous efforts to simplify the learning of Microsoft Word, and so we assure you that this book will walk you through in the simplest way in your entire course of learning, and will make you a master of Microsoft Word application in just one month of time.

This all-inclusive book provides you with in-depth knowledge of word processing program with various steps and examples. An easy-to-understand, step-by-step approach, supplemented with practical implementation and many real-life screenshots are some of the distinguishing features of the book. The lessons conceived and prepared by us will help you start learning from real basic making your move amazing, astonishing, and exhilarating for you. It’s cool, simple, and sublime!

Niranjan Jha, the author of this and fifty other books published online, is the coiner, founder, and owner of Cromosys Corporation. His dedication in technological and linguistic research is significantly known to millions of people around the world.

This book is the creation of his avowed determination to make the learning of Microsoft Word easy to the people. After you install the application on your system, you just have to follow the instructions of this book doing the same on your computer, and you will see that you are quickly learning everything. Just an hour of practice per day, and in a month of time you’ll get a lot of knowledge, tips and tricks to work with this software.

This is an unmatchable unique book of its kind that guarantees your success. The lessons are magnificently powerful to bring you into the arena of word processing. With the industrial growth from the year 2014, the accurate and profound knowledge of this software has influenced millions of minds; therefore we conceived the idea of making this book a guideline to those who want to be perfect in this application starting from real basic.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Teach Yourself Microsoft Word 2013" di Niranjan Jha, edito da Cromosys Publication, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 5,19.

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