venerdì 14 marzo 2014

Exam Ref 70-687: Configuring Windows 8.1

Exam Ref 70-687: Configuring Windows 8.1
Contenuto del volume:

Fully updated for Windows 8.1! Prepare for Microsoft Exam 70-687 - and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of configuring Windows 8.1 in the enterprise. Designed for experienced IT professionals ready to advance their status, Exam Ref focuses on the critical-thinking and decision-making acumen needed for success at the MCSA or MCSE level.

Focus on the expertise measured by these objectives:
  • Install and upgrade to Windows 8.1
  • Configure hardware and applications
  • Configure network connectivity
  • Configure access to resources
  • Configure remote access and mobility
  • Monitor and maintain Windows clients
  • Configure backup and recovery options

This Microsoft Exam Ref:
  • Organizes its coverage by objectives for Exam 70-687.
  • Features strategic, what-if scenarios to challenge you.
  • Designed for IT professionals who have real-world experience configuring or supporting Windows 8.1 computers, devices, users, and associated network and security resources.

Note: Exam 70-687 counts as credit toward MCSA and MCSE certifications

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Exam Ref 70-687: Configuring Windows 8.1" di Joli Ballew, edito da Microsoft Press, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 26,38 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 17,30.

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