sabato 22 marzo 2014

SolidWorks Simulation 2014 Black Book

SolidWorks Simulation 2014 Black Book
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"The SolidWorks Simulation 2014 Black Book, is written to help professionals as well as learners in performing various tedious jobs in Finite Element Analysis.

The book follows a step by step methodology. This book is more concentrated on making you able to use tools at right places. The book covers almost all the information required by a learner to master the SolidWorks Simulation.

The book starts with basics of FEA, goes through all the simulation tools and ends up with practical examples of analysis. Chapters on manual FEA ensure the firm understanding of FEA concepts through SolidWorks Simulation. Some of the salient features of this book are:
  • In-Depth explanation of concepts
  • Every new topic of this book starts with the explanation of the basic concepts. In this way, the user becomes capable of relating the things with real world.

Topics Covered
Every chapter starts with a list of topics being covered in that chapter. In this way, the user can easy find the topic of his/her interest easily.

Instruction through illustration
The instructions to perform any action are provided by maximum number of illustrations so that the user can perform the actions discussed in the book easily and effectively. There are about 800 illustrations that make the learning process effective.

Tutorial point of view
The book explains the concepts through the tutorial to make the understanding of users firm and long lasting. Each chapter of the book has tutorials that are real world projects.

Free projects and exercises are provided to students for practicing.

For Faculty
If you are a faculty member, then you can ask for video tutorials on any of the topic, exercise, tutorial, or concept.

For Any query or suggestion
If you have any query or suggestion please let us know by mailing us on Your valuable constructive suggestions will be incorporated in our books and your name will be addressed in special thanks area of our books." (Matt Weber, Gaurav Verma)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "SolidWorks Simulation 2014 Black Book" di Matt Weber e Gaurav Verma è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 33,32.

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