sabato 22 marzo 2014

Learning Markdown: Write for the web, faster

Learning Markdown: Write for the web, faster
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Markdown is essentially a syntax language for formatting text as you write. It’s fast, and built for people who write for the web.

Markdown is another way to format text – faster than typing HTML yourself, and better for web publication than using Word. It also includes special tags or syntax for formatting text. For example, to bold selected text using Markdown you wrap the text in four asterisks like this: **Use asterisks to bold text**. Those tags format the text in an application that supports Markdown.

You'll learn:
  • What Markdown is and why it's useful.
  • Which programs to use for writing in Markdown.
  • How to print or display Markdown documents.
  • Markdown Automations.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts.
  • And you'll get a cheat sheet!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Learning Markdown: Write for the web, faster" di Bakari Chavanu, Justin Pot e Angela Alcorn, edito da, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

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