- Coverage of the iPad and iPhone Prezi-app
- How to work with Prezi on Android
- Shared folders and how to use them
- The new Prezi image editing possibilities
- Over 80 illustrations
- Several minor layout fixes
Prezi offers complete new possibilities for the visualization of information. But how will Prezi do as a presentation tool for corporate presentations? How will we make sure it will be taken as seriously on Board level as Powerpoint? This guide is intended for managers and other professionals who are interested in Prezi and want to use it for their Board- and other presentations.
Prezi for Managers stands out from all other guides by not presenting Prezi as a Powerpoint alternative, but rather as an extension of the tool we all know so well. No matter what others tell you: you will still need Powerpoint while making corporate prezis. The focus of Prezi for Managers therefore is to use the strong points of both Powerpoint and Prezi to create stunning Board presentations.
This March 2014 edition will cover all relevant aspects of any board presentation, such as:
- Defining a structure for your prezi
- The basics of the prezi editor
- How to make corporate templates in Prezi
- Agenda slides in Prezi
- Formatting text in Prezi
- Embedding videos and audio
- Formatting images in Powerpoint or Prezi
- Diagrams, symbols and shapes
- Prezifying tables and graphs
- Handling organizational charts
- Inserting Gantt charts or timelines
- Creating layers
- Various slide transitions between steps
- Fading in - Fading out
- Prezi paths and the power of zoom
- Options while presenting you prezi
- How to best print your prezi
- Collaboration with teams or individuals
All this will make Prezi For Managers the ideal starting point for every business professional!
Siebe Beintema has over 15 years of IT management experience, having made numerous presentations on Board level.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Prezi for Managers: Use the best of both Prezi and Powerpoint to create stunning corporate presentations" di Siebe Beintema è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 4,64
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