martedì 15 luglio 2014

Autodesk Inventor 2015 Tutorial

Autodesk Inventor 2015 Tutorial
Contenuto dell'eBook:

This tutorial book helps you to get started with Autodesk's popular 3D modeling software using step-by-step tutorials. It starts with creating parts of an Oldham Coupling Assembly, assembling them, and then creating print ready drawings. This process gives you an overview of the design process and provides a strong base to learn additional tools and techniques. The proceeding chapters will cover additional tools related to part modelling, assemblies, sheet metal design, and drawings. Brief explanations and step-by-step tutorials help you to learn Autodesk Inventor quickly and easily.
  • Get an overview of the design process
  • Familiarize yourself with the User Interface
  • Teach yourself to create assembly presentations
  • Create custom sheet formats and templates
  • Learn additional part modelling tools with the help of real-world exercises
  • Learn to create different variations of a part
  • Learn Top-down assembly design and Design Accelerator
  • Learn to create and animate mechanical joints
  • Create basic sheet metal parts
  • Create custom punches and insert them into the sheet metal part
  • Create and annotate sheet metal drawings
  • Learn to add GD&T annotations to the drawings

Downloadable tutorial and exercise file from the companion website.

Table of Contents
  1. Getting Started with Inventor 2015
  2. Part Modeling Basics
  3. Assembly Basics
  4. Creating Drawings
  5. Additional Modeling Tools
  6. Sheet Metal Modeling
  7. Top-Down Assembly and Motion Simulation
  8. Dimensions and Annotations

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Autodesk Inventor 2015 Tutorial" di Online Instructor è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 9,99.

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