venerdì 25 luglio 2014

Quick Tips: Windows 8.1 Secrets, Tips and Tricks

Quick Tips: Windows 8.1 Secrets, Tips and Tricks
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"Get more out of the newest update for Microsoft Windows 8.1 Microsoft has refined windows 8 yet again. Now that we have all gotten over the shock of huge brightly animated tiles. We know the users want all the tips and tricks to Windows 8.1 ASAP. That’s what this book is! I read the forums and websites laying out the best Tips and Tricks to the newest update. Comprised in this manual are the best around and will bring you up to speed.

Quick tips series is an extensive series of books that bring you just the meat of the topic presented in a precise non-intimidating format. We at Quick Tips have combed through vast amounts of reference material on various subjects to bring you the tips you need to master the subject. Let this be your reference guide and or cliff notes to such subjects. In today’s busy world we know folks do not have the time to research and read the abundant amount of information resources available. So just pick up quick tips for mastery books and see that the hard work has been done for you." (David Nelson)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Quick Tips: Windows 8.1 Secrets, Tips and Tricks" di David Nelson è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

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