domenica 27 luglio 2014

Computer security for the average user: an almost jargon free guide

Computer security for the average user: an almost jargon free guide
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"The motivation behind this book is to empower the average user to perform the tasks that they once deemed too difficult: securing their own computers. Nothing can be further from the truth. I believe that anyone can keep themselves and their computer safer: all they need is illustrated, step by step instructions that do not complicate matters by showering the reading with useless technical jargon. This is where this book comes in.

Virtually free from technical terms (unless absolutely necessary for clarity purposes), the book takes the reader step by step through:
  1. Installing and configuring antivirus software and firewalls.
  2. Keeping their system updated automatically with specialist software.
  3. Tweaking Windows Settings for increased security
  4. Encrypting personal data
  5. Cleaning up unneeded applications
  6. Setting up Virtual Private Networks
  7. Creating and using secure passwords

and many more!

This book is designed for users of Microsoft Windows 7 and later.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Computer security for the average user: an almost jargon free guide" di Erik Stowne è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

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