venerdì 18 luglio 2014

Mastering Autodesk Maya 2015: Autodesk Official Press

Mastering Autodesk Maya 2015: Autodesk Official Press
Contenuto del volume:

Expand your skills with complete Maya mastery

Mastering Autodesk Maya is the ultimate guide to the popular 3D animation software. Author Todd Palamar draws on his extensive professional animation experience to help readers take their Maya skills to the next level. Written for those who already know the basics of this enormous program, the book covers advanced topics and professional techniques for modeling, animation, texturing, and visual effects.

Fully updated to reflect Maya's latest features, the book takes a hands-on approach to instruction, providing readers with a diverse set of tutorials designed by real-world professionals to showcase 3D animation and visual techniques used in industry settings. Complete and comprehensive, the book makes an excellent desk reference for the working animator, and is an ideal resource for those seeking Maya certification. The unique combination of challenging material and practical instruction make this one-of-a-kind guide the ultimate Maya handbook. Topics include:
  • Animation using inverse kinematics, keyframes, and deformers
  • Hard surface and organic modeling
  • Proper rigging techniques, and working with Maya Muscle
  • Xgen, Paint Effects, and rendering with mental ray
  • Texture mapping, compositing, nParticles, and more
  • Virtual filmmaking and scene management

The most complex skills are useless if they can't be applied, so the book emphasizes the practical, day-to-day uses of each skill, and discusses which solutions best fit which scenario. For the computer animation professional seeking a more in-depth mastery of this popular animation program, Mastering Autodesk Maya is an excellent investment in the future of your career.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Mastering Autodesk Maya 2015: Autodesk Official Press" di Todd Palamar, edito da Sybex, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 58,59 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 35,83.

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