giovedì 31 luglio 2014

The Ultimate Guide to Learn WordPress

The Ultimate Guide to Learn WordPress
Contenuto dell'eBook:

The Ultimate Guide to Learn WordPress is a very useful WordPress tutorial which guides the reader to create a WordPress website in less than 24 hours.

This eBook is one of the few WordPress tutorials which INCLUDE REAL PICTURES to guide the readers in a BETTER and SUCCESSFUL way.

The Ultimate Guide to Learn WordPress has covered all the important fields in WordPress web designing even including the task of finding a good hosting service and buying a domain name. You won’t find these sections in most of the other WordPress tutorials and people tend to waste hundreds of dollars for not having a proper experience and knowledge about hosting and domain names buying.

Each and every page on this book is filled with valuable information, which you will need in your everyday life when creating WordPress websites.

THE AUTHOR HASN’T HESITATED TO MENTION A LIST OF GODADDY’S ACTIVE COUPONS for domain name buying which he has received due to his active engagement in this field.

This list alone will save you lots of money you will spend in buying a domain.
Most of the people who want to learn WordPress get scared when they find out that WordPress is an online application and that they need special hosting.

But the author has been very successful in the way he tries to pass the reader out of that barrier of scary thoughts.

The reader can easily learn how to install WordPress with a few clicks and then how to add pages, posts, content, images and videos to his WordPress website.

Not only that, the reader can GAIN THE SUBSCRIPTION TO A LONG LIST OF FREE DOWNLOAD LINKS TO PREMIUM WORDPRESS THEMES which are currently very popular and expensive. You can get all those by just reading this eBook.

None of the WordPress eBooks currently available in the market has offered such a lot of information and free offers to their readers, except this valuable guide; The Ultimate Guide to Learn WordPress.

Being a web designer and an internet marketing specialist for more than 10 years, the author is well expertised in WordPress. Currently he owns more than 15 websites and 7 of them are high authority sites which run on WordPress.

So there is no doubt about his knowledge and you can always trust on what is written on this eBook.

Normally a WordPress web designer charges about $200-500 to build a good quality, professional web site. But the amount of work he does from his side is very low, due to the easy user interface of WordPress and due to the presence of specific WordPress themes on web.

By reading this eBook, you will be able to build a professional looking powerful website and cut down all the costs you will have to spend for a web designer since everything you need is clearly mentioned in this powerful guide.

There is a nice Chinese proverb; “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now”.

It’s true that you could have learnt WordPress earlier, but you still have time. Don’t wait for a third time. Grab this piece of gold and let the dreams in your mind bloom in no time.

The Ultimate Guide to Learn WordPress is your best WordPress companion…!!!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "The Ultimate Guide to Learn WordPress" di Sean Raymonds è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

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