martedì 18 novembre 2014

Apple Pro Training Series: Final Cut Pro X 10.1 Quick-Reference Guide

Apple Pro Training Series: Final Cut Pro X 10.1 Quick-Reference Guide
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Ideal for students and editors on the go, this is the quick look-up guide combines clear, concise explanations and an easy-to-use format to walk readers through the new Final Cut Pro X 10.1 interface and put the essential techniques, most-used tools, and most-efficient workflows at reader's fingertips. This is a compendium of Final Cut Pro best practices, tips, and quick-glance reminders, plus a great summary of what’s new in Final Cut Pro X 10.1 all organized in a logical order for post-production editing.
  • A companion to the Apple Pro Training Series: Final Cut Pro X 10.1 certification exam preparation guide
  • Recommended for new and experienced Final Cut Pro X editors
  • Guide is presented in the order of post-production workflow

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Apple Pro Training Series: Final Cut Pro X 10.1 Quick-Reference Guide" di Brendan Boykin, edito da Peachpit Press, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 8,63.

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