Covers iOS 8 for all models of iPad Air and iPad mini, 3rd & 4th Generation iPads, and iPad 2
Based on the best-selling My iPad book, My iPad for Seniors helps you quickly get started with your new tablet, and use its features to look up information and perform day-to-day activities from anywhere, any time.
Step-by-step instructions for the tasks you care about most
Large, full-color, close-up photos show you exactly what to do
Common-sense help whenever you run into problems
Tips and notes to help you do even more
Written for seniors, the full-color, step-by-step tasks—in legible print—walk you through getting and keeping your iPad working just the way you want. Learn how to:
- Connect your iPad to your Wi-Fi and your mobile carrier
- Learn how to use the on-screen keyboard, predictive text, and dictation
- Secure your iPad using Touch ID, passcodes, and other security measures
- Use Control Center to control frequently used settings
- Use Siri to control your iPad or get information by speaking commands
- Use iCloud to keep everything current between all your iOS devices (even your Mac), including music, photos, emails, and more
- Surf the Web, and send and receive email
- Download and install apps to make your iPad even more useful
- Record and edit video using iMovie for iPad
- Take photos, and then edit them using iPhoto for iPad
- Use AirDrop to share files and information with other iOS devices nearby
- Manage your contacts, and then connect with others using Messaging
- Use FaceTime and Skype to stay connected with friends and family
- Use Pages, Numbers, and Keynote to create documents and presentations
- Discover some of the most useful and entertaining apps
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "My iPad for Seniors, 2nd Edition" di Gary Rosenzweig e Gary Eugene Jones, edito da Que Publishing, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 20,60 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 11,57
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