lunedì 6 aprile 2015

30 Minute iMovie Book Trailers: Create Attention Grabbing Professional Quality Book Trailers Fast, Easy and Free

30 Minute iMovie Book Trailers: Create Attention Grabbing Professional Quality Book Trailers Fast, Easy and Free
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Video Book Trailers are an important marketing tool for Indie Authors and Publishers. iMovie can be used to quickly create stunning, professional quality book trailers for free. There is one catch. iMovie doesn't come with a set of instructions that will help busy writers create those trailers. This book fills that gap.

Easy to follow, step-by-step instructions, with many illustrations will have you on your way to producing book trailers you can be proud of. Creating a video masterpiece with iMovie is fast, fun and free! But without the roadmap, it can be time consuming and frustrating. The 30 Minute iMovie Book Trailers provides that vital roadmap.

It also comes with a list of sites other than YouTube where you can post your trailer. It even includes some sites that host Book Trailer Contests! With 30 Minute iMovie Book Trailers you'll be able to give your reading audience a creative peek inside your book. If a picture is worth 1000 words, a well crafted book trailer is priceless.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "30 Minute iMovie Book Trailers: Create Attention Grabbing Professional Quality Book Trailers Fast, Easy and Free" di Karen DeCrane, edito da Pance Productions, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 4,55.

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