martedì 7 aprile 2015

Aggiornamento 1Password 5.3 per OS X

Aggiornamento 1Password 5.3 per OS X
AgileBits Inc. ha pubblicato l'aggiornamento alla versione 5.3 del software 1Password.

Avete mai dimenticato una password? 1Password può ricordarle tutte per voi e tenerle al sicuro. Tutto quello che dovrete ricordare sarà la vostra Password Master.

Amata ed utilizzata da milioni di utenti. Provate 1Password oggi stesso!


Ogni giorno ci sono nuove password da ricordare. Quando se ne creano di nuove, spesso le si dimentica. Se utilizzate la medesima password più e più volte, diventerete vulnerabili. 1Password risolve tutti questi problemi.
  • Create password forti ed uniche per ogni sito web
  • Tenete al sicuro i vostri dati, nascosti da una singola Password Master
  • Proteggetevi con un'autenticazione criptata AES a 256-bit anti manomissione
  • Il blocco automatico mantiene i vostri dati al sicuro anche se il vostro Mac dovesse essere perso o rubato


1Password non solo vi tiene al sicuro con password forti ed uniche, ma vi rende anche più produttivi.
  • Effettuate il login automatico nei siti web utilizzando i vostri browser preferiti
  • Riempite i moduli delle vostre carte di credito con un singolo click
  • Accedete rapidamente ai vostri dati ovunque vi troviate con 1Password mini
  • Aprite siti web ed effettuate automaticamente il login utilizzando la funzione dei preferiti Go & Fill


1Password vi permette di conservare molto più che semplici login a siti web. Tiene tutte le vostre informazioni importati a portata di dito.
  • Conserva i dati delle Carte di Credito, Note sicure, Passaporti, Conti Bancari, e molto altro
  • Ricorda in modo semplice le Domande Sicure dei siti web e genera risposte sicure
  • Conserva in modo sicuro documenti ed immagini
  • Non uscirete mai più di casa senza le vostre informazioni importanti


1Password supporta tutti i vostri dispositivi preferiti. Conservate le vostre informazioni critiche ovunque andiate.
  • Il supporto ad iCloud significa sincronizzazione sicura con la semplicità Apple
  • Il supporto a Dropbox fornisce una condivisione e sincronizzazione tra diverse piattaforme
  • Usate cartelle a vostra scelta per sincronizzare diversi computer tra loro, dentro una vostra rete sicura


1Password permette di organizzare i vostri dati in diverse casseforti e condividetele in modo sicuro con altri. Utilizzate casseforti separate per avere la libertà di scelta su cosa condividere e con chi.
  • Condividete accessi di lavoro con i vostri colleghi
  • Create una cassaforte di famiglia per la condivisione con il vostro partner
  • Distribuite chiavi criptate con il vostro team di sviluppo
  • Scambiate account e documenti con i vostri clienti

Le possibilità sono infinite! La cosa migliore è che potete condividere in modo sicuro le vostre casseforti in modo che ognuno possa avere le informazioni più recente.

Novità (in inglese) nella versione 5.3 comunicate dagli sviluppatori:
The Bionic Edition

This release is all about making 1Password for Mac better, faster and stronger. We've added two-step verification, the ability to call and email with a single click and given some existing features a big power-up! Meet 1Password 5.3, the bionic edition.

Two-steps stronger
Time-Based One-Time Passwords for two-step verification are here! Check out to learn more and get your TOTP on. Bonus: if you own Pro features in 1Password for iOS, your one-time passwords will sync!

Faster communication
  • Start a FaceTime Audio or Skype call. From 1Password. Simply by clicking numbers stored in Identities.
    (if there was a “head explode” emoji, and if Apple allowed emoji in App Store descriptions, imagine it here.)
  • Ditto for sending emails from addresses in Software Licenses.

+5 power bonus to customization
  • Custom Fields bonanza!
  • We added even more Custom Field types, including URL, email, address, One-Time Passwords, date, and month/year.
  • Secure Notes are now even more versatile: you can add sections and custom fields.

Better date handling
Our developers spent a lot of time fine-tuning 1Password's date handling so that you can traverse the globe without worrying about your passport's expiry date. But seriously, we're really sorry about the date issues. We think we fixed them all, and we have a blog post coming with more information about this issue.

And a better brain
  • Re-designed the Brain for faster, more accurate filling on websites. The heart was just fine, thanks for asking.
  • Improved Credit Card and Identity filling on several sites, including Hilton, Cineplex, Drafthouse, Amazon, and PayPal.
  • The 1Password mini icon has been refined.
  • Improved searching so that you don't need exact matches for accented characters.
  • Added support for new languages and updated translations.
  • Added wildcard support for ignored URLs in autosave.

Many other improvements and fixes based on your feedback.

1Password 5.3 per OS X 10.10 (o versione successiva) e processore a 64 bit è in vendita sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 49,99

Disponibile anche la versione 1Password 5.3 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 5.4 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità (in inglese) nella versione 5.4
    == TL;DR (Yes, we heard you) ==

    ◆ 1Password for Apple Watch!
    ◆ Message Center badge can now be disabled.
    ◆ 1Password now remembers whether you were viewing Favorites or Categories when you close the app.
    ◆ Web filling fixes and improvements

    == 1Password 5.4 for iOS, the 'Go Go Gadget Watch!` Edition ==

    Sometimes, it’s the little things that are really exciting. There’s not a lot of big changes in this release, but some sweet refinements to existing features (like the Message Center and 1Password’s Brain) and one lovely little addition for our Pro users: an item detail that lets you ‘Add to Apple Watch.’

    ◆ Go Go Gadget Watch!

    Need that security code to open your garage door, stat? Calling for emergency pizza and need to provide your credit card number? Access all those details on your wrist so you can solve crimes and save your uncle just like Penny.

    If you've got the Pro features, enable the Apple Watch setting in 1Password and you'll notice a handy little 'Add to Apple Watch' option in your item's details. Tap to make this item more accessible than ever before!

    ◆ Message Center: Stealth Mode

    Message Center was one of the most talked about features in our 5.3 update. Based on your feedback, we've refined this new feature by adding a 'Mark as Read' button in the messages list, and an option to turn off the badge icon right from the Message Center screen. We hope you'll love the tips and content we plan to provide here, but this option ensures that power users aren't too distracted by the alert.

    ◆ Pick Up Where You Left Off

    Ever feel like you’re lost when you open up 1Password? 1Password now remembers the tab you were viewing when you left the app so you return to familiar surroundings.
  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 5.4.1 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità (in inglese) nella versione 5.4.1 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
    Hello, true believers! This update contains a couple of important changes to our Apple Watch app that you should be aware of:

    1) Enabling the Apple Watch setting in 1Password now requires that you have a device passcode set. If you launch 1Password 5.4.1 on a device without a passcode it will disable the Apple Watch setting.
    2) You now have the ability to set a PIN code for use in 1Password for Apple Watch. This PIN code will be used to provide an additional level of protection for the information available on your wrist.

    We hope you are one of the lucky ones receiving a shiny new Apple Watch this Friday and that you enjoy this new addition to the 1Password family. Now on to the rest of the changes in 5.4.1:

    == New ==
    - The 1Password Extension now sends one-time passwords to third party apps, if available.

    == Improved ==
    - Updated to the latest and greatest 1Password Brain for filling logins, credit cards, and identities into supported web browsers.
    - The keyboard is now properly dismissed in 1Browser when the focus is on the search bar and the web page is scrolled.

    == Fixed ==
    - Fixed a crash in the 1Password Extension after tapping the "New Login" button on the authentication web view in Twitterrific.
    - Fixed a crash that could occur when adding a new folder to the Organize list.
    - Fixed a crash that could occur when deleting an item.
    - Fixed a crash that could occur if the connected Dropbox account had its 1Password access revoked.
  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 5.4.2 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità (in inglese) nella versione 5.4.2 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
    We’ve been hearing so much wonderful feedback from all of you about our new Apple Watch app; thank you for that! We’re already hard at work making improvements based on your thoughts. This minor update to 1Password contains a number of fixes, including one for that “Fatal Database Error” that a number of you were seeing after using 1Password on your Apple Watch.

    == Improved ==
    - The password text field no longer gets cleared out when editing an existing password.
    - 1Password should now launch much faster.
    - All the titles in the item detail view now display as lowercase.
    - Error messages that may appear during Wi-Fi syncing are much improved.
    - Updated with the latest internationalizations from our incredible translation team.

    == Fixed ==
    - Fixed a problem where you could be presented with a "Fatal Database Error" message after using 1Password for Apple Watch.
    - The share sheet had some items go missing as of iOS 8.3. We found them and put them back where they belong.
    - Tapping on URLs that contained # characters would result in a malformed URL being opened. This is no longer the case.
    - Typing quickly in the search field will no longer overwrite your search term.
    - The Message Center now keeps all messages marked as read between launches if you tap the "Mark as Read" button.
    - Fixed a crash that could occur during Dropbox syncing.
    - Fixed a problem where the quick unlock PIN code could not be disabled once it was enabled.
    - Fixed a problem where Wi-Fi syncing would stop working and display error code 7027.
    - Fixed an issue where location services were not available in 1Browser.
    - Fixed a crash that could occur while switching vaults.
  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 5.4.3 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità (in inglese) nella versione 5.4.3 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
    We’ve been hearing so much wonderful feedback from all of you about our new Apple Watch app; thank you for that! We’re already hard at work making improvements based on your thoughts. This minor update to 1Password contains a number of fixes, including one for that “Fatal Database Error” that a number of you were seeing after using 1Password on your Apple Watch.

    == Fixed ==
    - Large Type option for displaying passwords no longer leaves one character dangling on the next line.
    - Swiping to copy passwords now works properly in the search results list.
    - Fixed an issue where there was no way to exit the add-to-folder functionality on iPad.
    - Item sort order is now consistent between Categories and Folders.
    - Fixed a crash that could occur when adding a Credit Card item to Apple Watch.
    - Corrected the text wrapping for all the text in the 1Password Apple Watch app when using large dynamic type.
    - Creating a backup no longer causes all the helper text to disappear on that page.
  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 5.5 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità (in inglese) nella versione 5.5 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
    == Staying secure in the sun ==
    The days are long, the weather is warm, and in between the barbeques, pool parties, bonfires, and toasted marshmallows we’ve also put together a great update to your favorite security app. Join us in slapping on some sunscreen while we bask in the glow of this shiny new release, just for you! Oh, and if you’re in the southern hemisphere, consider this release a ray of sunshine to warm you.

    == TL;DR ==
    - You can now switch between vaults with two quick taps using our new vault switcher.
    - Access Touch ID after canceling it with a handy new button on the Master Password screen.
    - By popular demand, Credit Card items added to Apple Watch now include PIN codes.
    - The main 1Password app and extension now share unlock settings: unlock once and you’re good to go!
    - We’ve added a new and improved HTTP warning system to 1Browser, our built in web browser.

    == Vault Switching ==
    Accessing multiple vaults in 1Password just got a whole lot simpler! Just tap the icon in the upper left corner of the Favorites, Categories, or Organize tabs and pick the vault you’d like to switch to. We suggest you use all the time you save to celebrate with a nice cool ice cream cone (have an extra scoop for us!).

    == Apple Watch ==
    For those of you using Apple Watch to help you reach your next cookout on time, a happy day has dawned - your credit card entries will now display PIN codes. We also improved the way Apple Watch displays text and sprayed a couple of pesky bugs trying to impede your fun in the sun.

    == Touch ID ==
    It can be hard to use Touch ID when your fingers are covered in sunscreen. That’ll no longer be a problem when using the 1Password app extension, which will respect the lock timeouts you’ve set in the app. If you unlock 1Password using Touch ID, the main app will remember as long as you haven’t reached your lock timeout the next time you launch it.

    Additionally, if you tap “Cancel” when you’re asked to provide your fingerprint to unlock your vault, you’ll have the option of bringing the Touch ID prompt back again. We call that a win!

    == HTTP Warning ==
    If you try to enter your username and password on an unsecured (HTTP) site when the URL you’ve saved is for a secure (HTTPS) site, 1Password will let you know. Extra security for extra peace of mind.

    We’ve also made improvements to Large Type, updated translations, and more! To view the full changelog, check out
  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 6.0.1 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità (in inglese) nella versione 6.0.1 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
    Thank you to all of our incredible customers for the feedback we received about 1Password 6.0. You're the reason we get to show up to work and do what we love, and we never forget that. Shortly after 6.0 went live we noticed a few issues needing fixing sooner rather than later, so we are happy to present 1Password 6.0.1.

    - Improved iCloud compatibility for iOS 9.
    - Adding a vault with fewer categories than the current vault caused the app to crash. This is no longer the case.
    - Corrected the janky tab bar items that would appear in other locales or on devices that had the font size bumped up.
    - Fixed an issue that could cause items in the trash to appear in Spotlight search results.
    - Improved the Change Password capability in the App Extension API.
    - Security improvements in web view filling for 1Browser and the 1Password Extension.

    What's New in 6.0

    == Extreme makeover edition ==

    Ah, autumn. The AgileBits team is ready for cooler weather, colorful leaves, and even the pumpkin explosion. While we enjoyed our summer full of cookouts and splashing in the pool, it wasn’t all play. We’ve been busy putting the finishing touches on something amazing; just in time for iOS 9 we are excited to introduce 1Password 6.0! We knocked down walls, ripped out cabinets, and sweated the details of this beautiful new release.

    == New look ==
    Our designers painstakingly sorted through fabric samples and paint chips to help make 1Password feel new, yet comfortable and homey. Don’t worry, everything’s exactly where you left it! While you’re looking around at our revamped style, check out how sleek 1Browser is now. We hope you like what we’ve done with the place.

    == Spotlight search ==
    Many of us rely on Spotlight to help us find apps, websites, emails, and more. Now you can use Spotlight to find items in your 1Password vault! You’ll need to switch on the feature in Settings > General > Enable Spotlight Search. From then on, when you need to find your Amazon login you can search Spotlight, then tap to see the item’s details in 1Password. If only Spotlight could be wired into your house so you'd never lose your keys again.

    == iPad and iPhone 6 Plus optimized ==
    Using an iPad and need to get to your vault quickly? Use Split View and Slide Over on supported devices to keep 1Password close at hand. We’re really excited to use this alongside our favorite apps on iPad Pro!

    On an iPhone 6 Plus? Now you can take advantage of landscape mode. We wish our real-world home improvement projects ended with such flexibility.

    == Diceware support ==
    While we were redecorating, we decided to install a diceware generator so you can use real words for your passwords and security questions! We have you covered from aardvark-wrinkle-list-boundary to zipper.sash.hideaway.vendee.

    == More on Apple Watch ==
    Bringing new items into your home can be hard. Adding new items to your Apple Watch is easy. Thanks to your feedback, you can now access Passport, Wireless Router, Drivers License, Social Security Number, and Bank Account items from your wrist. When you’re done looking at your items, lock 1Password using Force Touch.

    == In your favorite apps ==
    All of this remodeling hasn’t changed one of the best things about 1Password for iOS: the ability to log in to participating apps! We recently made big improvements to our extension. Now, it’s a breeze to fill in credit card information and addresses. If your favorite apps don’t offer 1Password support, let their developers know it only takes a few minutes to join the ranks of eBay and Dropbox in making your life more secure and a little easier.

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