sabato 25 aprile 2015

Aggiornamento djay Pro 1.1 per Mac

Aggiornamento djay Pro 1.1 per Mac
algoriddim ha rilasciato l'aggiornamento alla versione 1.1 di djay Pro. djay Pro offre un kit completo di strumenti per i DJs. La sua unica e avanzata interfaccia è costruita intorno ad una sofisticata integrazione con iTunes e Spotify, dandovi accesso istantaneo a milioni di canzoni. Altissima qualità audio e un set incredibile di funzioni (waveforms ad alta definizione, quattro giradischi, effetti audio, e integrazione hardware) che vi offrono una infinita flessibilità creativa per superare le vostre capacità.

Novità (in inglese) nella versione 1.1
Algoriddim brings you a massive update to djay Pro, and it’s completely FREE. The all new VIDEO mode allows you to apply visualizers to your tracks and mix videos in real-time, all with stunning transitions, visual FX, text and image overlays, live A/V recording, and extensive pre-bundled video content.

Moreover, djay Pro now offers native integration with Pioneer DJ's CDJ-2000nexus, CDJ-900nexus, and XDJ-1000, the industry-leading setup for DJs. Access your Spotify and iTunes playlists directly from the CDJ’s screen including waveform and cue points display.

  • All-new VIDEO mode with video mixer, visual effects, audio visualizers, text and image overlays, A/V recording, and extensive pre-bundled video content
  • Added native support for Pioneer CDJ-2000nexus, CDJ-900nexus, and XDJ-1000 with guided plug & play setup and full library navigation (incl. Spotify), song information, waveform, and cue point display on the device via HID
  • Added native support for Numark Mixtrack Quad and Mixtrack Edge, and Denon MC6000, MC6000MK2, MC2000
  • New improved media library with sources for iTunes, Spotify, Videos, My Mac (files), and history
  • New redesigned Match feature now available for both Spotify andnd iTunes
  • New media library collection view layout with album artwork display
  • New "My Mac" library source to access music and videos in any folder, hard disk, USB sticks, etc.
  • Added ability to search within playlists in addition to library-wide searching
  • Added ability to export history sessions as CSV, iTunes, or Spotify playlist
  • Added support for up to 8 cue points
  • Added support for high-quality bit rate (320 kb/s) when using Spotify
  • Added external mixer mode (can be used with both external USB mixers like DJM-900 and multiple separate output devices like CDJs)
  • Added media list columns for bit rate, sample rate, kind, and date modified
  • Improved Spotify library integration to grey out unavailable tracks
  • Improved media library to honor font size setting in Queue, Match, and search panes
  • Improved deck tools to remember last selected state
  • Improved almost-instant audio configuration, allows staged takeover from previous DJ (e.g. connect first CDJ device and start playing, then connect remaining devices once previous DJ finished)
  • Improved pitch-bending using controller jog wheels
  • Improved slip mode when using MIDI controllers: now also working when looping, using cue points, or with reverse playback
  • Improved MIDI Learn with support for custom MIDI out values (e.g. for colored button LEDs)
  • Added support for sharing current track info with Nicecast by Rogue Amoeba
  • Added various new MIDI mapping actions: beat jump (skipping), master sync setting, loop/reloop, media library back button and source selection, visualizer selection, video crossfade
  • Many other fixes and improvements

djay Pro è compatibile con qualsiasi Mac con OS X 10.9 o superiore.

Un abbonamento a Spotify Premium e una connessione a internet sono richieste per accedere al catalogo musicale Spotify da djay Pro. Un periodo di prova gratuito di 7 giorni per Spotify Premium è offerto a tutti gli utilizzatori di djay Pro.

Per usare canzoni da iCloud in djay Pro scaricatele prima via iTunes. Nessun supporto per canzoni protette da DRM.

djay Pro 1.1 per OS X 10.9 o superiore è in vendita sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 49,99 (40% sconto - prezzo promozionale per un periodo limitato) (Offre acquisti in-app).

djay 2.7.5 per iPhone con iOS 7 o superiore è disponibile gratuitamente su App Store (offre acquisti in-app).

djay 2.7.5 per iPad con iOS 7 o superiore è disponibile gratuitamente su App Store (offre acquisti in-app).

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