giovedì 2 aprile 2015

For PC - Windows 10 Preview: Learn what is new in Windows 10 for your PC (Personal Computer) (PC Technology Book 16)

For PC - Windows 10 Preview: Learn what is new in Windows 10 for your PC (Personal Computer) (PC Technology Book 16)
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Windows 10 is scheduled to be released in mid 2015. Learn what is new and how to receive a free upgrade for eligible Windows 7 or 8/8.1 Operating Systems (OS).

Windows 10 will be running DirectX 12. This is a huge gaming and movie playing feature. DirectX 12 will be taking advantage of the PCI Express 3.0 slot technology. This will enhance the video of games and movie streaming.

Also included in this eBook is a free breakdown of a detailed parts list to build an awesome gaming or movie playing PC.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "For PC - Windows 10 Preview: Learn what is new in Windows 10 for your PC (Personal Computer) (PC Technology Book 16)" di Todd A. Tiberio Sr. è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 5,50.

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