giovedì 2 aprile 2015

My Pages, Numbers, and Keynote (for Mac and iOS)

My Pages, Numbers, and Keynote (for Mac and iOS)
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Friendly, quick, and 100% practical, My Pages, Numbers, and Keynote is your must-have companion for Apple's iWork - no matter what platform or device you're accessing it from! Expert "iTechnology" author Brad Miser walks you through every task you'll want to perform, including:
  • Entering and formatting text and graphics in Pages
  • Working with data and formulas in Numbers
  • Adding graphics, video and audio to Keynote presentations
  • Incorporating text, graphics, video, and audio in Keynote presentations
  • Printing iWork content and publishing or presenting it online
  • And much more

Every task is presented step-by-step, using carefully annotated, full-color screenshots, all numbered so there's no chance of getting lost or confused. Everything's clearly organized in modular, self-contained chapters designed to help you get up-and-running in no time. Throughout, the book is packed with helpful tips, lists, and quick solutions to the problems you're most likely to encounter.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "My Pages, Numbers, and Keynote (for Mac and iOS)" di Brad Miser, edito da Que Publishing, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 13,36 e su iBookstore per iPhone, iPod touch, iPad e Mac al prezzo di Euro 14,99 e come libro tradizionale anche su al prezzo di Euro 19,71.

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