martedì 21 aprile 2015

Aggiornamento OmniGraffle 6.2.1 per OS X

Aggiornamento OmniGraffle 6.2.1 per OS X
The Omni Group ha rilasciato la versione 6.2.1 di OmniGraffle 6, lo strumento ideato per gli utenti professionisti che hanno bisogno di diagrammi e di strumenti di progettazione completi di tutte le funzionalità.

OmniGraffle 6 è una versione completamente ridisegnata che offre finestre integrate per impostazioni e stencil, un nuovissimo gestore risorse per la gestione di stencil e modelli, nuovi stili artistici di tratto e riempimento, livelli condivisi migliorati, potenti combinazioni di forme, migliore funzione di mascheramento e ritaglio delle immagini e tantissime altre nuove funzionalità.

Novità (in inglese) nella versione 6.2.1
OmniGraffle 6.2.1 is a minor update that fixes a number of crashes and contains other bug fixes.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a crash when checking the device type.
  • Fixed a crash when closing the About panel or Help window.
  • Fixed a crash when undoing changes with Automatic Layout turned on.
  • Fixed an undo-related crash when saving.
  • Fixed a crash on launch when the Font Inspector was in the Ruler.
  • The Diagram Layout Inspector's directional controls should once again be visible.
  • Quick Look previews should once again be working.
  • Fixed a bug where resizing multiple objects would not save properly.
  • Exported PNG files without transparency now have the proper alpha metadata set.
  • Magnets on objects within groups should no longer display when View Magnets is on.
  • Fixed a bug where Style chits in the Style Tray and Sidebar could render with black artifacts.
  • Fixed a bug where the background to layer previews would render as a dark gray.
  • Fixed a bounding box issue when modifying components of groups.
  • Fixed a bug where objects could incorrectly import from Visio with a 720 point stroke (Requires the Pro In-App Purchase).

OmniGraffle 6.2.1 per OS X 10.10 o superiore e processore a 64 bit è in vendita sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 99,99 (offre acquisti in-app).

Disponibile, inoltre, la versione OmniGraffle 2.1.1 per iPhone, iPad e iPod touch su AppStore al prezzo di Euro 49,99 (offre acquisti in-app).

Novità (in inglese) nella versione 2.1.1
OmniGraffle 2.1.1 for iOS is a minor update that fixes a number of crashes and contains other bug fixes.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a crash when changing Drawing Tools.
  • Fixed a crash when editing a sync server location.
  • Fixed a crash after inserting a photo.
  • Fixed a bug where rotating the device immediately after opening a document would show the Document Browser.
  • Fixed a crash when downloading stencils from Stenciltown.
  • Fixed a crash when changing Stroke styles.
  • Fixed a crash when opening Settings from the Document Browser.
  • Fixed a crash after dragging a duplicated locked layer under a different canvas.
  • Fixed a crash when using the Font Inspector.
  • The localized Italian App IA and New Site Planning documents are no longer corrupted.
  • Fixed a bug where the Tool style preview wouldn't update when changing.
  • 'On This Canvas' styles should now correctly display all canvas styles.
  • Fixed a bug where the Line Tool Inspector could sometimes refuse to open.
  • Many localization improvements have been made.
  • When rotating an iPhone 6+, the inspector's Done button should now remain visible.
  • Fixed a bug where Templates that had placed images would refuse to load.
  • Fixed a bug with the Subject and To fields in Mail when sending in crash reports.
  • Fixed a bug where documents with fixed-size canvases could end up off-center when rotating the device.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting layers from a long list made it look like new layers were being added at the top.
  • Fixed a privacy access related bug that could cause placed images from the Photo Library to disappear.
  • Fixed a Visio import bug where objects could incorrectly import with a 720 point stroke (Requires the Pro In-App Purchase).

Sono disponibili anche i seguenti eBook gratuiti: OmniGraffle 6 for Mac User Manual e OmniGraffle 2.1 for iOS User Manual su iBookstore per iPhone, iPod touch, iPad e Mac.

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