domenica 19 aprile 2015

Apple Watch Guide and Review: The complete buyers guide, users guide and support guide of the Apple Watch

Apple Watch Guide and Review: The complete buyers guide, users guide and support guide of the Apple Watch
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"I love Apple. And if you are reading this description, you probably do too. We are living in exciting times for Apple fans because of the launch of the Apple watch. Probably the best and most interesting Apple invention since Steve Jobs passed away.

The Apple Watch Is a technological revolution! Just like there were smartphones before the iPhone, there are smart watches before the Apple Watch. But just like it was the iPhone the one that reinvented the concept of "cell phone", right now is the Apple Watch that is reinventing the concept of "Watch".

I don’t want to just watch how this techological revolution happens. I want to really understand the Apple Watch, know how to use it and why is it so great. In this guide you will find answers to many questions about the Apple Watch and a Support guide for it, covering many topics such as: Buying or not the Apple Watch, Buyers guide, Main features, Performance (battery), Main Usage, Main Applications, etc.

We have also included one Bonus package about "Apple watch and fitness" due to many clientes asking for it." (Anthony Cleveland)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Apple Watch Guide and Review: The complete buyers guide, users guide and support guide of the Apple Watch" di Anthony Cleveland è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,99 (Attualmente è distribuito gratuitamente).

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