sabato 8 marzo 2014

Managing Your Research with Evernote for Mac

Managing Your Research with Evernote for Mac
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"Evernote is free software that allows you to easily capture, organize, search for and find information as you work. It’s essentially a database, but the attractive and intuitive interface makes it very simple to use. Evernote provides the ideal solution for those of us suffering from information overload.

This ebook is for anyone who is working on a significant research project and wants a better method of managing their material with the minimum of hassle, e.g. authors, PhD students, and researchers. I introduce Evernote's main features, demonstrating the many ways in which you can use it to manage your work, offering many examples.

I focus on the functionality that's of particular benefit to researchers, so you can get up and running very quickly without having to learn more than you need. No detailed technical knowledge is required, and you are guided through all the stages with clear instructions and screenshots.

Please note, this edition covers only the Mac version of Evernote; there is a separate Managing Your Research with Evernote for Windows ebook." (Catherine Pope)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Managing Your Research with Evernote for Mac" di Catherine Pope, edito da Catherine Pope Limited, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,73.

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