lunedì 14 luglio 2014

TechCheats: Using Command Line in DOS and the Windows 7 Operating System

TechCheats: Using Command Line in DOS and the Windows 7 Operating System
Contenuto dell'eBook:

An overview of the essential commands used to make the Windows 7 Operating System work. This is focuses on entry-level skills required to get a first time user to understand how to open a folder, look in its contents for files, and copy and delete a file.

This book covers editing file contents through the command line. There is an emphasis on DOS with references to the Windows 7 Operating System, Linux and Unix command line environments.

The focus of this book is to look into and move through the file structure without using a mouse or icons. It is a great reference text for a beginning or entry level technician who wants to further their comfortably in the command line environment.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "TechCheats: Using Command Line in DOS and the Windows 7 Operating System" di Garrett Seeley è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 7,56.

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