lunedì 10 novembre 2014

Health Apps Guide: 50 of the Best iPhone And iPad Health Apps

Health Apps Guide: 50 of the Best iPhone And iPad Health Apps
Contenuto dell'eBook:

The issue of health has become dominant in recent years. Experts in the field argue the significance of healthy eating and adapting a wholesome and healthy lifestyle. So important is the concept of healthy living that fitness enthusiasts worldwide have increased their output of workout videos and healthy recipe guides.

Concurrently, we are moving even further into an era of technology; with more time spent on computers and mobile devices. Encouraging healthy living can now be made easier by linking the need to be in touch with technology and being at peak of physical fitness.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Health Apps Guide: 50 of the Best iPhone And iPad Health Apps" di Jacob Gleam è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,29 e come libro tradizionale su al prezzo di Euro 8,21.

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