martedì 11 novembre 2014

OS X Yosemite Manual: Your Tips & Tricks Guide Book!

OS X Yosemite Manual: Your Tips & Tricks Guide Book!
Contenuto dell'eBook:

OS X Yosemite Manual: Your Tips & Tricks Guide Book!

Have you recently upgraded your Mac computer to the new OS X Yosemite operating system but are looking to get more insight into how to use it? Are you struggling to figure out how to use some of the new features? Perhaps you are having Yosemite that you need to troubleshoot? This brand new guide from Shelby Johnson will help you with all the brand new features, tips, tricks and fixes you need to know about the OS X Yosemite from Apple!

This latest guide back was created by Shelby Johnson of to help Macbook, Mac mini and iMac computers understand their operating system better. OS X Yosemite was the new operating system released by Apple for Mac computers in late 2014.

Here is what you’ll learn inside this valuable guide:
  • How to upgrade to OS X Yosemite
  • How to perform the new install
  • An overview of the key features
  • How to use Handoff and Continuity features
  • Using new features with Spotlight, Calendar & Mail
  • How to use the new Notification Center
  • Some of the best apps that work with Yosemite
  • Troubleshooting tips including Yosemite Wi-Fi issues
  • And much, much more!

Shelby Johnson has helped thousands of technology enthusiasts and new gadget owners to understand how to use their devices better. Among those are several Apple-based products including the iPhone, iPad and Apple TV. Now she brings yet another helpful manual for those who have the newest Mac operating system.

Download your copy of the OS X Yosemite Manual: Your Tips & Tricks Guide Book! today to gain better insight over your Mac’s operating system and gain control over all of the great new features it contains!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "OS X Yosemite Manual: Your Tips & Tricks Guide Book!" di Shelby Johnson, edito da Tech Media Source, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

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