domenica 31 agosto 2014

How to Pick Parts for Your PC

How to Pick Parts for Your PC
Contenuto dell'eBook:

This book provides you detailed guidelines on how to choose a CPU, GPU, PSU, SSD, HDD, RAM, Motherboard, Case and ODD according to your needs.

If you are planning to buy a new low end laptop or high end Gaming Desktop, this guide is your Bible.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "How to Pick Parts for Your PC" di Jason Hall è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

Excel at Excel Part 8: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel

Excel at Excel Part 8: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel
Contenuto dell'eBook:

The Excel at Excel book series has been written with beginner, intermediate and advanced users in mind. Whether you are a novice or seasoned pro, you will find some useful nuggets in all the books.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out, as at least 1 of the series of books will be on a FREE promotion each week.

In part 8 you will be shown how to master the following features:
  • Formulas in Excel
  • Creating your first formula
  • Excel precedence on operations
  • Cell references and formula
  • Types of references
  • The effect of copying on cell references
  • Editing formula
  • Worksheet functions
  • Using common mathematical functions

As well as this series of 10 books we have also created 5 more FREE books on the Office Smarty Pants blog, with even more exciting features of Excel – they are just for you and are available to download from our awesome blog – click on the link in the book to get them, absolutely FREE!

Why not check out the great video clips on the blog too? They are packed with even more hints and tips for becoming an Excel Expert!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Excel at Excel Part 8: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel" di Office Smarty Pants è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

Excel at Excel Part 7: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel

Excel at Excel Part 7: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel
Contenuto dell'eBook:

The Excel at Excel book series has been written with beginner, intermediate and advanced users in mind. Whether you are a novice or seasoned pro, you will find some useful nuggets in all the books.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out, as at least 1 of the series of books will be on a FREE promotion each week.

In part 7 you will be shown how to master the following features:
  • Difference between a table and a range of cells
  • How to create a table
  • Changing the table appearance
  • Using Tables
  • Table rows and columns

As well as this series of 10 books we have also created 5 more FREE books on the Office Smarty Pants blog, with even more exciting features of Excel – they are just for you and are available to download from our awesome blog – click on the link in the book to get them, absolutely FREE!

Why not check out the great video clips on the blog too? They are packed with even more hints and tips for becoming an Excel Expert!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Excel at Excel Part 7: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel" di Office Smarty Pants è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

Excel at Excel Part 6: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel

Excel at Excel Part 6: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel
Contenuto dell'eBook:

The Excel at Excel book series has been written with beginner, intermediate and advanced users in mind. Whether you are a novice or seasoned pro, you will find some useful nuggets in all the books.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out, as at least 1 of the series of books will be on a FREE promotion each week.

In part 6 you will be shown how to master the following features:
  • Paste Special Dialog Boxes
  • Mathematical calculations without formula
  • Range transposing
  • Working with range names
  • Commenting on cells
  • How to format comments
  • Changing the shape of a comment box
  • Reading comments in a work book
  • Other comment commands you can use

As well as this series of 10 books we have also created 5 more FREE books on the Office Smarty Pants blog, with even more exciting features of Excel – they are just for you and are available to download from our awesome blog – click on the link in the book to get them, absolutely FREE!

Why not check out the great video clips on the blog too? They are packed with even more hints and tips for becoming an Excel Expert!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Excel at Excel Part 6: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel" di Office Smarty Pants è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

Excel at Excel Part 5: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel

Excel at Excel Part 5: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel
Contenuto dell'eBook:

The Excel at Excel book series has been written with beginner, intermediate and advanced users in mind. Whether you are a novice or seasoned pro, you will find some useful nuggets in all the books.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out, as at least 1 of the series of books will be on a FREE promotion each week.

In part 5 you will be shown how to master the following features:
  • Working with special types of cells
  • Searching for cells
  • Copying and moving cell ranges
  • Ribbon commands for copying
  • Short cut menu command copying
  • Short cut keys for copying
  • Drag and drop
  • Copying content to adjacent cells
  • Copying ranges to sheets
  • Pasting through the Office clipboard
  • Special pasting

As well as this series of 10 books we have also created 5 more FREE books on the Office Smarty Pants blog, with even more exciting features of Excel – they are just for you and are available to download from our awesome blog – click on the link in the book to get them, absolutely FREE!

Why not check out the great video clips on the blog too? They are packed with even more hints and tips for becoming an Excel Expert!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Excel at Excel Part 5: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel" di Office Smarty Pants è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

sabato 30 agosto 2014

Publishing With WordPress: The Essentials to Running a Successful WordPress Site

Publishing With WordPress: The Essentials to Running a Successful WordPress Site
Contenuto dell'eBook:

WordPress is easy to use but being a successful WordPress publisher is more complicated. Publishing With WordPress provides a guide to running a successful website with WordPress.

While not a WordPress tutorial, it describes many things that publishers need to know: choosing a domain name, selecting a WordPress hosting service, installing WordPress in self-host mode, search engine optimization (SEO), performance optimization, managing WordPress backups and more.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Publishing With WordPress: The Essentials to Running a Successful WordPress Site" di Jeff Reifman, edito da Lookahead Consulting, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

How to Easily Add Images and Links to Your WordPress Sidebar Without ANY Coding Skills: Plug and Play Templates Make it Possible!

How to Easily Add Images and Links to Your WordPress Sidebar Without ANY Coding Skills: Plug and Play Templates Make it Possible!
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"Grab this book now and have the images and links that you want on your WordPress sidebar in minutes!.

The best part? You don't need any coding skills!

Don't you hate not being able to add a quick image or link to your sidebar? Are you frustrated waiting for your "web guy" to find the time for you?

Wouldn't you like to put your website sidebar to work for you?. If you could put those images and links for your affiliate programs there, you could bring in some extra cash.

Or maybe you want to link to other pages on your website, but not have them in the menu bar.

We felt that all of those too! That's why we put this fantastic resource together for the small business owner who wants control over what goes on their WordPress based website sidebar - and when.

This book includes 16 of the most-used HTML code strings to add images and links to your sidebar. Each code string is a separate chapter.

We eliminated the guesswork for you by breaking each chapter into these sections:
  • Desired result: What you want to happen with the code (i.e. an image with a link that opens in a new window)
  • Where to use: The most common places the code is used on a website.
  • The HTML Code in action: The specific code with real data.
  • What it looks like: Here’s where you'll see how the code will look on a website.
  • Breaking down the code: This is the same code from "The HTML code in action" section in each chapter, but the real data we used there is replaced with the type of information you'll plug in.
  • Code notes: Explanations for parts of the code syntax that don't change or other notes about using the code.

We have also included a downloadable document that has the code string that's described in each chapter. You simply copy it from the document, paste it in your desired location and add your own data in the right areas.
It's that simple!" (Lisa Shaughnessy, Lisa Karl, Tania Dakka)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "How to Easily Add Images and Links to Your WordPress Sidebar Without ANY Coding Skills: Plug and Play Templates Make it Possible!" di Lisa Shaughnessy, Lisa Karl e Tania Dakka è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,86.

Hands-On Study Guide For Exam 70-411: Administering Windows Server 2012 R2

Hands-On Study Guide For Exam 70-411: Administering Windows Server 2012 R2
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Do you want to pass exam 70-411 in one shot, and gain real-life enterprise skills? You have found the right book! I wrote this book while I was preparing for the same exam and passed with this same material! This book also contains a complete guide to build your own lab and practice every exam objective in detail. It is written by a Windows Systems Administrator with over 12 years’ experience and focuses on two key goals:
  1. Pass exam 70-411 in one shot.
  2. Gain real-life enterprise skills to defend your certification.

Written with the Microsoft’s official 70-411 exam objectives (Including Windows Server 2012 R2), it covers the following objectives assessed in the exam:
  • Chapter 1: Deploy, Manage and Maintain Servers
  • Chapter 2: Configure File and Print Services
  • Chapter 3: Configure Network Services and Access
  • Chapter 4: Configure a Network Policy Server Infrastructure
  • Chapter 5: Configure and Manage Active Directory
  • Chapter 6: Configure and Manage Group Policy

Each section begins with short theoretical information about the subject, followed by a step-by-step lab guide. All labs have been fully tested and verified.

Exam 70-411 counts as credit toward MCSA and MCSE certifications.

Your search stops here. Buy this book now and pass your 70-411 exam in one shot!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Hands-On Study Guide For Exam 70-411: Administering Windows Server 2012 R2" di Victor Ashiedu è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 16,74.

Building an eCommerce Website using WordPress for Beginners

Building an eCommerce Website using WordPress for Beginners
Contenuto dell'eBook:

This book is written in simple language supported by pictures at every step for better understanding.

So any beginner can easily use this book to develop his own eCommerce website using WordPress.

All the various steps are explained in detail.

Even examples of adding new products has been explained with pictures.

The book also explains adding new categories of product to your website.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Building an eCommerce Website using WordPress for Beginners" di Sunny Chanday è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 9,99.

MCSA 70-687 Cert Guide: Configuring Microsoft Windows 8.1

MCSA 70-687 Cert Guide: Configuring Microsoft Windows 8.1
Contenuto del volume:

The study guide helps you master all the topics on the MCSA 70-687 exam, including the following:
  • Installation and upgrades, including VHDs
  • Migrating users, profiles, and applications
  • Installing, configuring, and securing applications
  • Configuring Hyper-V virtualization
  • Configuring TCP/IP, network settings, and network security
  • Configuring and securing access to files and folders, including OneDrive and NFC
  • Configuring local security, authentication, and authorization
  • Configuring remote connections and management
  • Configuring and securing mobile devices
  • Managing disks, backups, and system/file recovery

MCSA 70-687 Cert Guide: Configuring Microsoft Windows 8.1 is a best-of-breed exam study guide. Best-selling authors and expert instructors Don Poulton, Randy Bellet, and Harry Holt share preparation hints and test-taking tips, helping you identify areas of weakness and improve both your conceptual knowledge and hands-on skills. Material is presented in a concise manner, focusing on increasing your understanding and retention of exam topics. The book presents you with an organized test preparation routine through the use of proven series elements and techniques. Exam topic lists make referencing easy. Chapter-ending Exam Preparation Tasks help you drill on key concepts you must know thoroughly. Review questions help you assess your knowledge, and a final preparation chapter guides you through tools and resources to help you craft your final study plan.

The companion CD contains the powerful Pearson IT Certification Practice Test engine, complete with hundreds of exam-realistic questions. The assessment engine offers you a wealth of customization options and reporting features, laying out a complete assessment of your knowledge to help you focus your study where it is needed most. Well-regarded for its level of detail, assessment features, and challenging review questions and exercises, this study guide helps you master the concepts and techniques that will enable you to succeed on the exam the first time.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "MCSA 70-687 Cert Guide: Configuring Microsoft Windows 8.1" di Don Poulton, Randy Bellet e Harry Holt, edito da Financial Times Prentice Hall, è in vendita su al prezzo di Euro 35,29 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 26,13.

Excel at Excel Part 4: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel

Excel at Excel Part 4: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel
Contenuto dell'eBook:

The Excel at Excel book series has been written with beginner, intermediate and advanced users in mind. Whether you are a novice or seasoned pro, you will find some useful nuggets in all the books.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out, as at least 1 of the series of books will be on a FREE promotion each week.

In part 4 you will be shown how to master the following features:
  • Rows and columns
  • Working with freezing panes
  • Monitoring cells when you are working
  • Deleting rows and columns
  • How to hide rows and columns
  • Row heights and column width
  • Changing the column width
  • Cells and cell ranges

As well as this series of 10 books we have also created 5 more FREE books on the Office Smarty Pants blog, with even more exciting features of Excel – they are just for you and are available to download from our awesome blog – click on the link in the book to get them, absolutely FREE!

Why not check out the great video clips on the blog too? They are packed with even more hints and tips for becoming an Excel Expert!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Excel at Excel Part 4: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel" di Office Smart Pants è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

Excel at Excel Part 3: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel

Excel at Excel Part 3: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel
Contenuto dell'eBook:

The Excel at Excel book series has been written with beginner, intermediate and advanced users in mind. Whether you are a novice or seasoned pro, you will find some useful nuggets in all the books.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out, as at least 1 of the series of books will be on a FREE promotion each week.

In part 3 you will be shown how to master the following features:
  • Important work sheet pointers
  • Creating new worksheets
  • Renaming your worksheets
  • Modifying the color of the sheet tab
  • Rearranging worksheets
  • Protecting your worksheets
  • Handling your worksheet view
  • Manipulating worksheet views
  • Excel worksheets on different windows
  • Side by side sheet comparison

As well as this series of 10 books we have also created 5 more FREE books on the Office Smarty Pants blog, with even more exciting features of Excel – they are just for you and are available to download from our awesome blog – click on the link in the book to get them, absolutely FREE!

Why not check out the great video clips on the blog too? They are packed with even more hints and tips for becoming an Excel Expert!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Excel at Excel Part 3: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel" di Office Smarty Pants è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

Excel at Excel Part 2: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel

Excel at Excel Part 2: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel
Contenuto dell'eBook:

The Excel at Excel book series has been written with beginner, intermediate and advanced users in mind. Whether you are a novice or seasoned pro, you will find some useful nuggets in all the books.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out, as at least 1 of the series of books will be on a FREE promotion each week.

In part 2 you will be shown how to master the following features:
Working data on the work sheet
Feeding data into the work sheet
Dates and times
Manipulating cell contents
Data entry in Excel
Pushing text to a new line
Autocorrect and shortcuts
Data entry on forms
Number formatting

As well as this series of 10 books we have also created 5 more FREE books on the Office Smarty Pants blog, with even more exciting features of Excel – they are just for you and are available to download from our awesome blog – click on the link in the book to get them, absolutely FREE!

Why not check out the great video clips on the blog too? They are packed with even more hints and tips for becoming an Excel Expert!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Excel at Excel Part 2: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel" di Office Smarty Pants è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

venerdì 29 agosto 2014

Excel at Excel Part 1: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel

Excel at Excel Part 1: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel
Contenuto dell'eBook:

The Excel at Excel book series has been written with beginner, intermediate and advanced users in mind. Whether you are a novice or seasoned pro, you will find some useful nuggets in all the books.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out, as at least 1 of the series of books will be on a FREE promotion each week.

In part 1 you will be shown how to master the following features:
  • A introduction to Microsoft Excel 2013
  • Workbooks and worksheets
  • Features of an active Excel window
  • Excel short cuts
  • Dialog boxes
  • Basic Excel functions
  • Ribbon actions
  • Excel formatting figures
  • Entering data

As well as this series of 10 books we have also created 5 more FREE books on the Office Smarty Pants blog, with even more exciting features of Excel – they are just for you and are available to download from our awesome blog – click on the link in the book to get them, absolutely FREE!

Why not check out the great video clips on the blog too? They are packed with even more hints and tips for becoming an Excel Expert!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Excel at Excel Part 1: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel" di Office Smarty Pants è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

Excel at Excel Part 10: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel

Excel at Excel Part 10: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel
Contenuto dell'eBook:

The Excel at Excel book series has been written with beginner, intermediate and advanced users in mind. Whether you are a novice or seasoned pro, you will find some useful nuggets in all the books.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out, as at least 1 of the series of books will be on a FREE promotion each week.

In part 10 you will be shown how to master the following features:
  • Introduction to charts
  • Combo charts
  • Setting the secondary axis for a series
  • Moving between rows and columns
  • Selecting the layout for your charts
  • Selecting the chart style you fancy
  • Moving charts between sheets
  • Working with titles
  • Working with legends
  • Labelling data
  • Creating a data table
  • Filtering data on the chart

As well as this series of 10 books we have also created 5 more FREE books on the Office Smarty Pants blog, with even more exciting features of Excel – they are just for you and are available to download from our awesome blog – click on the link in the book to get them, absolutely FREE!

Why not check out the great video clips on the blog too? They are packed with even more hints and tips for becoming an Excel Expert!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Excel at Excel Part 10: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel" di Office Smart Pants è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

Copy & Paste Reference: VBA for Excel

Copy & Paste Reference: VBA for Excel
Contenuto dell'eBook:

The book's hands-on approach allows the user to speed up the time required for developing different VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) tasks.

It contains some declarations of elements of a language, as well as custom-built functions.

As Microsoft mentioned, “…despite the rich set of features in the standard Excel user interface (UI), you might want to find an easier way to perform a mundane, repetitive task, or to perform some task that the UI does not seem to address.”

This reference book of code to copy and paste gives the reader an opportunity to use already tested “bricks” of code for such different purposes, and maybe the reader would find something in this book that he or she would use.

The book offers very limited theoretical information.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Copy & Paste Reference: VBA for Excel" di Leo Egerev è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

Untold Windows Tips & Secrets!

Untold Windows Tips & Secrets!
Contenuto dell'eBook:

This Book consisits of all the hidden hack secrets, tips, tricks in Windows which no one knows, the secrets which Microsoft is afraid to tell the people, the information which you will seldom find all gathered up and arranged in this single book.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Untold Windows Tips & Secrets!" di John Albert è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

Disponibili StuffIt Deluxe 16 e StuffIt Expander 16 per Mac OS X

Disponibili StuffIt Deluxe 16 e StuffIt Expander 16 per Mac OS XLa Smith Micro Software ha rilasciato StuffIt Deluxe 16 e StuffIt Expander 16 per Mac OS X.

La tecnologia di compressione avanzata di StuffIt Deluxe comprime le vostre foto, musica e altri documenti senza ridurre la qualità. Consente di caricare, accedere e condividere in modo sicuro i vostri file da qualsiasi punto, compreso Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive e SendStuffNow. StuffIt è la vostra soluzione di trasferimento file più adatta che offre il supporto per FTP, e-mail, l'integrazione cloud storage e altro ancora. StuffIt rende i vostri file mobili come voi!

Tra le funzionalità della versione 16 segnaliamo:
  • StuffIt Destinations si occupa dell'invio di file. Raramente si desidera soltanto comprimere i file; quasi sempre si desidera posizionarli da qualche parte, o inviarli a qualcuno. StuffIt Destinations consente di trascinare e rilasciare i file su qualsiasi tessera-destinazione, dove i file saranno compressi ed inviati ad una destinazione pre-impostata. È possibile facilmente aggiungere tessere personalizzate alla barra degli strumenti StuffIt Destinations.

    Tenendo la barra degli strumenti StuffIt Destinations fluttuante in un angolo sul desktop si avrà accesso immediato per comprimere e inviare i file in qualsiasi modo e in qualsiasi luogo volete che vadano.
  • È possibile aggiungere quante tessere personalizzate si vuole alla barra degli strumenti StuffIt Destinations. Basta cliccare sul pulsante "più" a destra e scegliere un tipo di destinazione, un tipo di archivio, con o senza crittografia e, se si desidera ricevere una notifica quando l'azione è completa, si può anche scegliere l'opzione di notifica.
  • StuffIt Destinations supporta adesso Dropbox, Google Drive e Microsoft OneDrive e automatizza l'invio di contenuti archiviati a questi servizi. Caricate facilmente i vostri archivi e file sul servizio cloud preferito.
  • NUOVO Personalizzate StuffIt Destinations. Le tessere possono essere personalizzate. Modificate facilmente l'immagine, il titolo e la descrizione per ottenere l'aspetto e la funzionalità che più gradite.
  • Nuova architettura. Le applicazioni sono adesso solo a 64 bit e il sistema minimo è OS X 10.8
  • StuffIt Archive Manager offre funzionalità più avanzate per la creazione, la ricerca e la navigazione degli archivi. Sfogliate e cercate all'interno del contenuto di archivi StuffIt X, Zip, Tar e RAR, inclusi gli archivi codificati, e archivi Tar compressi (tarball) senza doverli espandere.
  • StuffIt Scheduler è progettato per fornire una semplice, facile da usare, soluzione di backup personale. Utilizzate StuffIt Scheduler per pianificare backup automatici di file, con la possibilità di salvare gli archivi di backup creati su CD, DVD, unità esterne e server FTP.
  • BONUS GRATUITO. Con StuffIt Deluxe è incluso un abbonamento gratuito di 6 mesi a SendStuffNow, un servizio online sicuro per la consegna e l'archiviazione di file. Alla fine del periodo è possibile rinnovare, aggiornare o passare ad una versione gratuita.

    Questa offerta dà diritto a un abbonamento di 6 mesi (del valore di $ 60) per il livello Premium del servizio SendStuffNow GRATUITAMENTE.

È richiesto un Mac con OS X 10.8 / 10.9 o superiore, processore Intel da 1.3 GHz o superiore, 4 GB di RAM (raccomandati), minino 150 MB di spazio libero su disco rigido e drive CD-ROM (solo per la versione distribuita su supporto fisico).

Il prodotto è in vendita sul sito di Smith Micro al prezzo di $ 49,99 dove è possibile scaricare anche una versione trial di 30 giorni (al momento la versione 15) ed il software gratuito per la sola decompressione StuffIt Expander 16 (al momento la versione 15.0.7).

Disponibili StuffIt Expander 1.0.1 per iPhone e iPad gratis su App Store e SendStuffNow 2.1.0 per iPhone e iPad gratis su App Store.

Disponibili, inoltre, StuffIt Expander 2011 15.0.7 (gratis sul Mac App Store), StuffIt Destinations 2011 15.0.7 (al prezzo di Euro 5,49 sul Mac App Store) e StuffIt Archive Manager 15.0.7 (al prezzo di Euro 8,99 sul Mac App Store) per Mac OS X 10.6.8 o versioni successive.

mercoledì 27 agosto 2014

Computer Repair Manual and Business Guide: Learn to fix computers and start your very own computer repair business!

Computer Repair Manual and Business Guide: Learn to fix computers and start your very own computer repair business!
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"Computer Repair Services Manual and Business Guide. Learn To Repair Computers And Start Your Own IT Support Services Business. Stop Paying for Computer Repair and Start Making Money Now!

From the advent of the first mass-marketed personal computer in 1977 to present time, computers have steadily and successfully become a very integral part of daily human life. With time, the affordability, portability and usability of computers has also been on a constant upward trend, with single individuals owning multiple computers in the form of desktop, laptop, netbook, handheld and cellular devices. With the increase in use of computer technology and devices, the incidence of their breaking down has also increased. Therefore, it has become crucial to have some knowledge about fixing computers so you, a: don’t get ripped off by a computer technician, b: you can fix your own computer, and/or c: you can fix computers for a living.

CHROMECAST USER GUIDE: A Step by Step User Manual for Beginners

CHROMECAST USER GUIDE: A Step by Step User Manual for Beginners
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Chromecast looks like your average pen driver that only has the Chrome logo, but it is much more than that. It is a digital media streaming device developed by Google that lets you enjoy your favorite YouTube videos and other media from your phone, computer or tablet onto your TV. It serves as a channel to show internet content you want to see on a bigger screen, like your high definition TV.

With an inexpensive price of $35, people might think that Chromecast does not offer as much, but it actually does. It is much more powerful than any Smart TV HDMI dongle available in the market because it is supported by Google and its subsidiaries.

CHROMECAST USER GUIDE: A Step by Step User Manual for Beginners” helps you get started on how to use this device and maximize its usage.

Inside this book you’ll learn:
  • What the Chromecast is?
  • Why you should get it?
  • Why is it better than Apple TV or Roku?
  • Step by Step Guide on how to set up your Chromecast
  • Apps and websites that work on Chromecast
  • How to watch any web content on your Chromecast
  • Watch restricted access internet video
  • Watch your own movie
  • How to cast your entire computer screen
  • How to cast music, photos, and video from your iOS or Android mobile device
  • How to use your iOS or Android device as a remote control for your Chromecast
  • More ways to use your Chromecast
  • Chromecast tricks
  • And so much more

Get a copy and discover what the Chromecast device is all about and how it can take your entertainment pleasure to the next level!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "CHROMECAST USER GUIDE: A Step by Step User Manual for Beginners" di Lisa Thompson è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,88.

Blender 3D Basics: Beginner's Guide - Second Edition

Blender 3D Basics: Beginner's Guide - Second Edition
Contenuto del volume:

This book teaches you how to model a nautical scene, complete with boats and water, and then add materials, lighting, and animation. It demystifies the Blender interface and explains what each tool does so that you will be left with a thorough understanding of 3D.

This book starts with an introduction to Blender and some background on the principles of animation, how they are applied to computer animation, and how these principles make animation better. Furthermore, the book helps you advance through various aspects of animation design such as modeling, lighting, camera work, and animation through the Blender interface with the help of several simple projects. Each project will help you practice what you have learned and do more advanced work in all areas.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Blender 3D Basics: Beginner's Guide - Second Edition" di Gordon Fisher, edito da Packt Publishing, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 41,16 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 17,30.

Photoshop CC: Visual QuickStart Guide (2014 release)

Photoshop CC: Visual QuickStart Guide (2014 release)
Contenuto dell'eBook:

This bestselling guide from authors Elaine Weinmann and Peter Lourekas has been the go-to tutorial and reference book for photography/design professionals and the textbook of choice in college classrooms for decades. This edition includes their trademark features of clear, concise, step-by-step instructions; hundreds of full-color images; screen captures of program features; and supplemental tips and sidebars in every chapter.

New and updated Photoshop CC features are clearly marked with bright red stars in both the table of contents and main text.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Photoshop CC: Visual QuickStart Guide (2014 release)" di Elaine Weinmann e Peter Lourekas, edito da Peachpit Press, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 17,42 e su iBookstore per iPhone, iPod touch, iPad e Mac al prezzo di Euro 23,99.

Aggiornamento Microsoft Office 2011 14.4.4 per Mac

Aggiornamento Microsoft Office 2011 14.4.4 per Mac
La Microsoft ha pubblicato, sul proprio sito web, l'aggiornamento Microsoft Office 2011 14.4.4 per Mac.

Questo aggiornamento è in grado di risolvere problemi critici. Per ulteriori informazioni su questo aggiornamento, visitare il sito Web di Microsoft.

Per maggiori informazioni e per scaricare l'aggiornamento in italiano (117 MB) visitate la pagina del Download dal sito Microsoft.

Si applica a: Office 2011, Office 2011 Home e Business Edition, Word 2011, Excel 2011, PowerPoint 2011, Outlook 2011, Office per Mac Standard 2011 Edition, Microsoft Office per Mac Home & Student 2011 e Microsoft Office per Mac Academic 2011.

A questo link sono pubblicati i problemi noti di installazione di Office 2011.

Microsoft Office per Mac Home and Business 2011, è in vendita anche su Apple Store Italia al prezzo di Euro 271,95 in italiano oppure in inglese internazionale e la versione Microsoft Office per Mac Home and Student 2011 al prezzo di Euro 140,95 in italiano oppure in inglese internazionale.

Anche su Microsoft Store è possibile acquistare Microsoft Office 2011 per Mac e Office 365 Home Premium (in abbonamento al prezzo di Euro 99,00 all'anno) che offre la possibilità di installare Office su 5 Mac o PC.

Disponibile, inoltre, Microsoft Office Mobile 1.2 per iPhone. Nota: per uso aziendale occorre avere una sottoscrizione a Office 365.

martedì 26 agosto 2014

Google Chrome 37.0.2062.94 versione stabile per Mac, Windows e Linux

Google Chrome 37.0.2062.94 versione stabile per Mac, Windows e Linux
È stato rilasciato Chrome 37.0.2062.94, il browser sviluppato da Google e basato sul motore di rendering Blink (è un fork di Google del progetto WebKit), in versione stabile disponibile per Mac OS X, Windows e Linux.

A questo link sono pubblicate le note di rilascio (in inglese) di questa nuova versione che contiene una serie di correzioni e miglioramenti, tra cui:
  • Supporto DirectWrite su Windows per migliorare il rendering dei font
  • Una serie di nuove API app/estensioni
  • Diverse modifiche per il miglioramento della stabilità e delle prestazioni

e 50 correzioni di sicurezza.

Ulteriori informazioni sono pubblicate sulla pagina di sicurezza Chromium.

A questo link è disponibile un elenco completo delle modifiche incluse in questa nuova versione.

Da questi link è possibile scaricare:

Disponibile, inoltre, Chrome 36.0.1985.57 per iOS (richiede iOS 6.0 o versioni successive) gratuitamente su App Store (Note di rilascio in inglese).

  • Disponibile Chrome 37.0.2062.102 per Windows (Note di rilascio in inglese). Questa versione corregge un problema che causava, a volte, la mancata esecuzione del rendering di caratteri multi-byte su Windows.
  • Disponibile Chrome 37.0.2062.52 per iOS (richiede iOS 6.0 o versioni successive) gratuitamente su App Store.

    Novità nella versione 37.0.2062.52
    • Stabilità migliorata e correzioni di bug.
  • Disponibile Chrome 37.0.2062.103 per Windows (Note di rilascio in inglese). Questa versione risolve alcuni feedback degli utenti relativi alla modalità in cui Chrome esegue il rendering del testo quando il ridimensionamento dello schermo è impostato su 125% o inferiore.

WordPress for Beginners - Understand WordPress!

WordPress for Beginners - Understand WordPress!
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"WordPress For Beginners - Understand How WordPress Works" is for anyone who wants to understand how the world's most popular content management system works! In use by millions of websites, its simple user interface and powerful feature set has made it the most popular platform to host your website on!

However, for the newcomer to building websites, WordPress can be confusing and it is very different to building a website using HTML or other techniques. Having been using Wordpress for years I have written this simple, step by step guide, to show you exactly how you can use WordPress and build your own websites from this powerful platform.

When you read this book you will get easy to follow, jargon free advice that will help you get the most out of WordPress and avoid the headaches some people have with it. It truly is an amazing platform and its popularity demonstrates its power.

In "WordPress For Beginners - Understand How WordPress Works" you will discover:
  • What WordPress Is - you may have heard of it but you will learn exactly what WordPress is and why it is a must have for your website!
  • Why Content Management Systems Matter - you may have heard of a CMS but now you will learn why they are vital for any serious website and how Wordpress can help!
  • Plugins, Themes And Software - learn exactly where to download WordPress and how easy it is to install, plus where to get free themes and plugins that make the software even more useful and powerful!
  • Hosting Requirements - before you spend your money on hosting, learn what you need to run WordPress!
  • Installing WordPress - a step by step guide to installing WordPress that means no technical knowledge is required!
  • Using Plugins - plugins extend the functionality of WordPress so learn everything you need to know about them here!
  • Dealing With Comments - commenting is a powerful part of WordPress and you will learn exactly how this system works and how to use it!
  • Updating WordPress - keeping up to date means safety from security flaws and bugs but can cause problems, so find out how to do this quickly and easily to avoid many of the problems people face!
  • Securing Your Site - keeping your site secure is important so learn how you can keep your site secure and protect your data!

WordPress is an incredibly powerful platform with a very bright future and by learning to use it you can quickly set up professional looking websites in minutes that are easy to update or change and look great for your visitors!

Enjoy starting to use WordPress as "WordPress For Beginners - Understand How WordPress Works" guides you through the process of setting up a WordPress website and using this powerful software to create professional websites with a fraction of the effort that it used to take!

Remember, you don't need any technical skills at all to install or run this amazing piece of software!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "WordPress for Beginners - Understand WordPress!" di Phil Askor, edito da Shaharm Publications, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

Protect Your PC: Fix, Speed Up and Protect Your Computer in One hour: Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows XP/Windows Vista Edition

Protect Your PC: Fix, Speed Up and Protect Your Computer in One hour: Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows XP/Windows Vista Edition
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Protect Your PC

Even with all the advancement in technology, a virus can render your computer totally useless and this could have tremendous impact on your personal activities.

In dealing with this issue, we will examine the damaging facts about computer viruses. You will get exposure as to how viruses actually spread. When a virus is unleashed on computer systems the effects can be devastating so you will be informed about how bad a virus attack can be. Do you know what malware is? There are many antivirus software on the market, but how do know the right ones for your PC. Learn how to get rid of that bug and how to delete computer virus manually. How will the presence of a firewall play out in the enhancement of your PC? Explore the tips for protecting your computer from viruses. But how do you identify a dangerous website and do you know what to look out for?

All you need to know is at your finger tip and by implementing these strategies you will be better able to alleviate the virus woes and increase the level of protection of your PC. Truly an informative ebook!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Protect Your PC: Fix, Speed Up and Protect Your Computer in One hour: Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows XP/Windows Vista Edition" di Andrew Grove è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.
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