sabato 23 agosto 2014


Contenuto dell'eBook:

This book is put together with an idea of encouraging the use of Internet, which is being the lifeline of the generation. With the increasing use of Internet, parents are trying to match the pace and fit into the brackets with their children via technology.

The book helps in using Internet for the basic requirements step by step with screen shots. The book contains chapters on using Google, Banking, Booking Air & Rail tickets, Mail, Social Networking sites and making Video Calls.
It will be helpful to users of all age and generations, fresher’s into job and wanting to use net banking, Parents wanting to make video calls to kids abroad, people wanting to connect to long lost friends via social networking site but not very friendly with the Internet.

Most of the learners, try to learn on their own with the help of family and friends and keep making notes or flow charts to recollect things taught to them.
This book will be a ready reckoner with screenshots and can be used widely.

Learners having a basic knowledge about using computers can easily use Internet with the help of this book.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "I for INTERNET" di Neha Modi è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

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