domenica 17 agosto 2014

USE LibreOffice Impress: The Beginners Guide

USE LibreOffice Impress: The Beginners Guide
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Do you want to convince buyers, your boss or clients? With this guide you can. LibreOffice is one of the world’s most popular free Office Productivity suites - 70 million people can't be wrong!

This guide will take you from installation to creating your presentation. It will help you produce professional looking results without too much effort:
  • Learn how to design your slides
  • Add pictures, sound and movies
  • Use charts and tables to convince
  • Export presentations to multiple formats

And so much more.

Use LibreOffice Impress: A Beginners Guide is short, sweet and to the point guide to LibreOffice 4.2.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "USE LibreOffice Impress: The Beginners Guide" di Thomas Ecclestone, edito da Turing's Brain, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 7,20.

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