sabato 23 agosto 2014

Create Ebook Covers In PowerPoint: A step by step guide to creating ebook covers in 2D, 3D and boxed set formats

Create Ebook Covers In PowerPoint: A step by step guide to creating ebook covers in 2D, 3D and boxed set formats
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"Do you want to create ebook covers yourself?

You're afraid your design skills suck.

You want a cover that does you proud, and, let's face it, sells.

You're hesitant to spend on a cover. You're even more hesitant to outsource it, because you want to experiment without continually shelling out more cash.

If only you could figure out how to do it yourself.

If only you could figure out what exactly makes a winning cover in the first place.

And if only you could do it without investing in expensive tools or learning Photoshop.

Well, it turns out that you can with Create Ebook Covers In PowerPoint - a step by step guide to creating ebook covers using PowerPoint.

No design skills? No problem.
Discover how to reverse engineer best selling covers in your genre.

Can't bear to think about investing in, and learning to use a "proper" graphics tool? No problem.
Learn how to use good ol' Microsoft Powerpoint to create an effective cover.

I'm not a designer, but I've been creating my own covers for sometime now.

True, the early ones were embarrassing, and to be perfectly honest, I still crank out suboptimal ones - just ask my fellow Facebook group authors!

But I've been learning. I experimented, and learned. I still do.

I learned that I could look at fabulous designs that catch my eye as a reader, and identify what makes them so fantastic.

You don't need training as a graphics designer to notice a book, right?

I also noted that many bestselling books in the same category share certain elements.

I learned how to reverse engineer those elements, so I could assemble them for my own covers, and for my author clients.

Now, I'm ready to show you how to go through the process yourself: research winning covers in your niche, and create your cover from the key common elements, while adding in your own unique spin.

Create Ebook Covers in PowerPoint comes with companion videos that will let you watch over my shoulder as I create covers - from graphics selection to finished cover - including in 3D and even a boxed set cover." (Naima)

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Create Ebook Covers In PowerPoint: A step by step guide to creating ebook covers in 2D, 3D and boxed set formats" di Naima è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

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