martedì 19 agosto 2014

Photoshop for Games: Creating Art for Console, Mobile, and Social Games

Photoshop for Games: Creating Art for Console, Mobile, and Social Games
Contenuto del volume:

Most game artists use Photoshop to work out idea as much as to create a final product that can be used in a game. There are many ways to work efficiently in the program that can be tapped for a workflow that keeps artists productive and sane. This book takes an approach to creating assets in Photoshop that both beginners and intermediates will find refreshing. Where other books focus on Photoshop lessons or on the basics of drawing, Photoshop for Games gives you many hands-on lessons for developing artwork that can be adapted for many purposes. Full of inspiring projects, readers will find examples from comic, realistic, graphic styles, and more. Downloadable project files and videos accompany some of the tutorials so that readers can dive deeper on topics.

Whether they are developing games for consoles, mobile devices, or the Web, game artists from all backgrounds will learn the best practices to game art creation in Photoshop.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Photoshop for Games: Creating Art for Console, Mobile, and Social Games" di Shawn Nelson, edito da New Riders Publishing, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 33,99 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 21,52.

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