sabato 16 agosto 2014

101 More Super Easy Tricks to Work Faster with Paintshop Pro

101 More Super Easy Tricks to Work Faster with Paintshop Pro
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"Paintshop Pro is a powerful graphic program used by photographers, artists, web designers, scrapbookers and more. This program has a lot of great tools but also many hidden ways to use the program more effectively.

After working with Paintshop Pro for over 10 years, I have discovered and used many tips and tricks to help with my workflow. This book is a sequel from the first one "101 More Super Easy Tricks to Work Faster with Paintshop Pro" and includes 101 more tips that you can use in your graphic projects, whatever version of Paintshop Pro you are using.
  • find out how you can work faster, and even skip some steps: you can save multiple images at once; you can repeat a series of commands over and over on different layers or even different images; zoom in and out without clicking on the zoom tool; etc.
  • discover how you can select an area despite a shaky hand: find the very center of an image; crop an image at an angle; quickly check for extra loose pixels, etc.
  • explore easy ways to improve your workflow by customizing your workspace, using and even changing shortcuts to suit your habits, color code your work, etc.

… and much more

Once you start using those tricks, you will wonder how you ever managed to work without them!" (Carole Asselin)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "101 More Super Easy Tricks to Work Faster with Paintshop Pro" di Carole Asselin è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

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