giovedì 21 agosto 2014

A Guide to MATLAB: For Beginners and Experienced Users

A Guide to MATLAB: For Beginners and Experienced Users
Contenuto del volume:

Now in its third edition, this outstanding textbook explains everything you need to get started using MATLAB. It contains concise explanations of essential MATLAB commands, as well as easily understood instructions for using MATLAB's programming features, graphical capabilities, simulation models, and rich desktop interface. MATLAB 8 and its new user interface is treated extensively in the book.

New features in this edition include: a complete treatment of MATLAB's publish feature; new material on MATLAB graphics, enabling the user to master quickly the various symbolic and numerical plotting routines; and a robust presentation of MuPAD and how to use it as a stand-alone platform. The authors have also updated the text throughout, reworking examples and exploring new applications.

The book is essential reading for beginners, occasional users and experienced users wishing to brush up their skills. Further resources are available from the authors' website at

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "A Guide to MATLAB: For Beginners and Experienced Users", 3ª edizione, di Brian R. Hunt, Ronald L. Lipsman e Jonathan M. Rosenberg, edito da Cambridge University Press, è in vendita su al prezzo di Euro 38,61 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 27,95.

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