domenica 17 agosto 2014

Windows Security Essentials for Beginners. Understanding Malware, Spyware, Antivirus and Internet Security.: Oh No, My Computer Is Acting Weird!

Windows Security Essentials for Beginners. Understanding Malware, Spyware, Antivirus and Internet Security.: Oh No, My Computer Is Acting Weird!
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"Call me a geek because that’s what I am (so my friends tell me). I love computers, I love technical stuff. I am a technical guy. I have a company in which my secretary answers the phone and every day she hears the same thing: “My computer is acting weird!” Hence the title of this book.

Cyber crime, hacking and malware have long been serious problems associated with the internet and will probably get worse with the passing of time. Therefore, it is crucial that everyone who uses a computer understands what computer security is and why it is necessary.

This book was written to educate novice and beginner computer users about malware. Its sole purpose is to teach everyday users about the many types of malware on the net today and how they can keep their systems safe from infection and damage caused by malware.

This book contains information about the various types of malware and spyware. There are also plenty of tips on keeping your systems in top running condition.

Covered in this book:
  • Viruses & Your Computer
  • Understanding the Internet
  • Understanding Harmful & Nuisance Programs
  • Signs of an Infected Computer
  • Hackers & Hijackers
  • Antivirus Programs
  • Protecting Yourself & Your Computer
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Security System
  • The Virus Hall of Fame" (Steve Murton)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Windows Security Essentials for Beginners. Understanding Malware, Spyware, Antivirus and Internet Security.: Oh No, My Computer Is Acting Weird!" di Steve Murton, edito da imb publishing, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 5,12.

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