venerdì 29 agosto 2014

Excel at Excel Part 10: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel

Excel at Excel Part 10: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel
Contenuto dell'eBook:

The Excel at Excel book series has been written with beginner, intermediate and advanced users in mind. Whether you are a novice or seasoned pro, you will find some useful nuggets in all the books.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out, as at least 1 of the series of books will be on a FREE promotion each week.

In part 10 you will be shown how to master the following features:
  • Introduction to charts
  • Combo charts
  • Setting the secondary axis for a series
  • Moving between rows and columns
  • Selecting the layout for your charts
  • Selecting the chart style you fancy
  • Moving charts between sheets
  • Working with titles
  • Working with legends
  • Labelling data
  • Creating a data table
  • Filtering data on the chart

As well as this series of 10 books we have also created 5 more FREE books on the Office Smarty Pants blog, with even more exciting features of Excel – they are just for you and are available to download from our awesome blog – click on the link in the book to get them, absolutely FREE!

Why not check out the great video clips on the blog too? They are packed with even more hints and tips for becoming an Excel Expert!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Excel at Excel Part 10: Ultimate guides to becoming a master of Excel" di Office Smart Pants è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

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