The clipboard is an invisible section in your computer's memory that provides temporary storage for text or graphics. The contents of your clipboard will stay there until you use the clipboard to store something else or until you turn your computer off.
You can use the clipboard for the following activities:
- Copy selected [highlighted] text from the screen to the clipboard
- Cut selected text from the screen to the clipboard
- Paste the contents of the clipboard into a document at the insertion point.
[Click in a document or text field to get a flashing cursor; this is the insertion point for paste activities].
SPECIAL NOTE: While text is selected, [highlighted] it is as fragile as a child's bubble-pipe bubble. If you accidentally bump a wrong key, it will disappear. If this ever happens to you while typing anything, freeze. Then quickly and carefully use the UNDO TYPING command: CONTROL-Z [COMMAND-Z for Mac users] Your text will come right back. Windows users: You will use the CONTROL key as your action key in a keyboard shortcut for single-stroke copying, cutting, and pasting. The CONTROL key is at the lower left and right corners of the alpha section of your keyboard.
Mac users: You will use the COMMAND key instead of the CONTROL key. The COMMAND key is also known as the Open-Apple key or the Snowflake key and is at either end of the space bar.
The best way to copy, paste, and cut is to hold down the CONTROL/COMMAND key while you tap the appropriate action key. [See chart below] Don't try to press the CONTROL key and the Action keys simultaneously. It is nearly impossible.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Cut&Paste: Getting the most from your computer's clipboard" di G. Edwin Lint, edito da DiskBooks Electronic Publishing, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 1,53
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