mercoledì 13 agosto 2014

Securing a internet connection over open Wi-Fi: Securing your Smartphone or Laptop Internet connection when away from home or traveling

Securing a internet connection over open Wi-Fi: Securing your Smartphone or Laptop Internet connection when away from home or traveling
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Not having a secure connection over open Wi-Fi is one of the most common ways sensitive data and passwords are stolen.

Securing a wireless connection with any mobile device can be done easily and free.

Written for someone inexperienced with securing a laptop, smartphone or tablet when traveling, or simply going to the local coffee shop.

This book shows how to setup a secure wireless connection with any device when away from home.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Securing a internet connection over open Wi-Fi: Securing your Smartphone or Laptop Internet connection when away from home or traveling" di Robert Long è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

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