lunedì 25 agosto 2014

Microsoft PowerPoint 2013: An Introduction: A how-to tutorial article for PowerPoint 2013

Microsoft PowerPoint 2013: An Introduction: A how-to tutorial article for PowerPoint 2013
Contenuto dell'eBook:

You have better things to do with your precious time than to waste it, struggling to learn to use software! Learn what you need to know, and get the job done with the help of Microsoft PowerPoint 2013: An Introduction!

If you’ve looked at the presentations shown by your competition (or even your co-workers), you already know that slide after slide of bullet points just does not cut it anymore. And because it’s YOUR reputation on the line... you've got to deliver a first-class presentation to that critical group of decision-makers, and you don’t have time to waste struggling with obscure user manuals... this article will help to get the job done right, and to get it done... FAST!

Microsoft PowerPoint 2013: An Introduction quickly gives you "what you need to know" about the world's most popular presentation graphics software. Learn exactly what you need with this clear yet effective guide to this popular and powerful program. You will learn-
  • How to use the new cloud-based collaboration features of this version of PoiwerPoint to edit presentations simultaneously with others
  • How to effectively navigate your way throughout the user interface, and understand the major changes with the new Ribbon, tabs, and Backstage view
  • How to create presentations that go beyond "slides and bullet points"
  • How to add transitions, charts, and graphics so the appearance of your presentation is a hit in the boardroom
  • How you can quickly create slide shows that "pop" by taking advantage of ready-made templates and themes

With PowerPoint 2013: An Introduction, you will learn what you need to know to get the most out of Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 in a minimal amount of time!

Microsoft PowerPoint 2013: An Introduction comes from the pen of Edward Jones, the principal technology writer behind the "Get-it-Done- FAST" series of computer books. Jones is an experienced computer and technology writer, database applications development analyst, consultant, and trainer who understands the issues faced by people dealing with technology, day in and day out. His career spans years of technology training, database development, and consulting services for major law firms and government agencies in the Washington, DC area, and he currently resides in Charlotte, NC where he is concentrating on providing publications to the rapidly growing digital marketplace. Jones is also a best-selling author whose printed titles have sold over one million copies, and he has served as a technical editor on numerous computer books.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Microsoft PowerPoint 2013: An Introduction: A how-to tutorial article for PowerPoint 2013" di Edward Jones, edito da Amazon Digital Services, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89 (Attualmente è distribuito gratuitamente).

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