sabato 21 aprile 2012

An Introduction to the New iPad

Contenuto del volume:

Apple iPads are becoming ever more popular especially with the release of the new iPad with its en-hanced features.
This book will guide you through setting up and using your new iPad for the first time. It will provide you with many useful hints and tips and also warnings about possible pitfalls that you may encounter.

Among the many topics explained are:
  • A brief look at the new iPad.
  • Configuring your new iPad for the first time.
  • Connecting your new iPad to your home network.
  • Working with e-mails and surfing the Internet.
  • Exploring many of your new iPads's features.
  • Making video calls with FaceTime.
  • Troubleshooting your new iPad.
  • Backing up your new iPad.
  • Getting and installing software from the Apple App Store.
  • Much of this book will also apply to earlier versions of Apple iPads.

If you are already the proud owner of Apple's new iPad or perhaps you are just thinking about purchasing one, then this book is for you. It will enable you to quickly and easily get to grips with your device.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "An Introduction to the New iPad" di Andrew Edney, edito da Bernard Babani Publishing, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 9,76.

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