giovedì 27 giugno 2013

Advertising on Google: The High Performance Cookbook

Advertising on Google: The High Performance Cookbook
Contenuto dell'eBook:

In Detail
Google Adwords is one of the most effective ways to advertise today with unprecedented reach and potential to show your ads to millions of Internet users instantly. It helps in bringing highly relevant ads to customers who are searching for you in real-time, resulting in highly accountable and cost-effective campaigns that even the smallest advertisers can take advantage of.

Advertising on Google: The High Performance Cookbook is a step-by-step guide with practical tips and everyday examples that will arm you with the tools necessary to run effective Adwords campaigns.

"Advertising on Google: The High Performance Cookbook" is a collection of hands-on recipes for creating and optimizing Adwords campaigns The book begins with the research you’ll need to conduct before starting with Adwords, including figuring out how competitive your market is and finding out what your competitors are doing. It takes you through the account set-up process from the beginning to the end, including how to fine-tune your campaigns based on the rich reporting available.

You will also learn how to bid effectively so that you are not overspending and instead focus your budget on what is working for you. You will also see how to track ad results and act on the data to maximize ROI. This book highlights the most successful keyword building and ad copy writing techniques with real-life examples that will make your ads stand out. Advanced ad formats and campaign types are introduced with recommendations based on a decade of experience.

The book concludes with advanced strategies and features that the most successful advertisers are taking advantage of and account management tools to help you save time.

This book contains practical recipes on everything from creating an Adwords account, reporting, analyzing, bidding effectively to remarketing. The book is a guide to getting hands-on experience in Adwords strategies. It is extensively focussed on helping you build an Adwords account, which appeals to the visitors and attracts more clicks!

Who this book is for
This book is great for the users, who are ready to start using Adwords, as well as for experienced advertisers, who are looking to take their accounts to the next level. Just create an Adwords account and run ad campaigns to take advantage of the hands-on recipes.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Advertising on Google: The High Performance Cookbook" di Kristina Cutura, edito da Packt Publishing, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 18,74 e su iBookstore per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad al prezzo di Euro 25,99.

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