sabato 15 giugno 2013

Mastering Excel Date & Time Formulas (No Fluff Guide)

Mastering Excel Date & Time Formulas (No Fluff Guide)
Contenuto dell'eBook:

2013 update. Calculations with dates and times are among the most common spreadsheet operations, and Excel's capabilities go far beyond routine TODAY and DATE formulas. Author Tim Hill shows you how to use worksheet functions, array formulas, AutoFill, and other Excel features to work with date and time values. If you're using an older version of Excel that doesn't support the latest worksheet functions, you'll find equivalent formulas that work in Excel 2003 or earlier. You can download the sample workbook to follow along with the author's examples.
  • Covers all versions of Excel, including Excel 2013.
  • Understand date and time serial numbers.
  • Control how Excel interprets and formats dates and times.
  • Resolve problems with two-digit years and negative times.
  • Work around Excel's leap-year bug.
  • Use the undocumented DATEDIF function.
  • Generate series of dates and times.
  • Convert imported text and numerical values to dates and times.
  • Skip weekends and holidays in business and financial calculations.
  • Find specific days of the month for holidays and paydays.
  • Round times to the nearest hour, half-hour, minute, or any interval.
  • Plenty of tips, tricks, and workarounds.
  • Fully cross-referenced, linked, and searchable.

  1. Getting Started with Dates & Times
  2. Date & Time Basics
  3. Date & Time Functions
  4. Date Tricks
  5. Time Tricks

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Mastering Excel Date & Time Formulas (No Fluff Guide)" di Tim Hill, edito da Questing Vole Press, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 4,62.

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