mercoledì 19 giugno 2013

How to set up and manage a WordPress Multisite

How to set up and manage a WordPress Multisite
Contenuto dell'eBook:

A WordPress Multisite or Network is a way to host many websites all from one WordPress installation. Once set up, it enables you to make a new website in minutes. So if you are an internet marketer running multiple sites then it is a no brainer - a Multisite is the best way to run those sites and expand your business quickly and easily. Anyone that wants to have more than one WordPress website or blog will benefit by making a Multisite. All the sites can be managed from one login and so it is EASY!

Setting up a WordPress Multisite can be a little confusing when you start out. This book will walk you through the process from the beginning to having a Multisite up and running with domains mapped to your different sites. By the end you will be able to make new websites in minutes and put them to work earning you money. All of this can achieved with a single WordPress installation quickly and easily when you follow the steps. Fed up searching for all the information you need from different locations on the internet? This simple guide brings all the information together in one place so you can stop searching and get creating quickly.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "How to set up and manage a WordPress Multisite" di Rob Hardie, edito da Crouch Valley Media, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,99.

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