venerdì 14 giugno 2013

Beginning AutoCAD 2014

Beginning AutoCAD 2014
Contenuto del volume:

This is the right book for users if they're new to AutoCAD or want to brush up on the basics, they're looking for a clear, no nonsense, easy-to-follow text, or they want to learn AutoCAD quickly and easily. All exercises print easily on a standard 8-1/2 " X 11" printer. It is suitable for use with the PC version of AutoCAD 2014 only.

Features: totally updated for AutoCAD 2014 and 2014 LT; AutoCAD 2014 30-Day Trial Version included on the enclosed DVD; ideal for classroom instruction or as a self-study tutorial; provides only what the user needs without all of the jargon; includes 30 lessons with step by step instructions followed by exercises designed for practicing the commands learned within the lesson; each lesson starts very simple and progresses to more complex; the approach taken is to familiarize users with the drawing commands first, and then teach users to create their own setup drawings; and, each lesson is explained clearly and in a non-intimidating manner.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Beginning AutoCAD 2014" di Cheryl R. Shrock e Steve Heather, edito da Industrial Press Inc., U.S., è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 27,80.

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