lunedì 17 giugno 2013

Web Design In Easy Steps

Web Design In Easy Steps
Contenuto dell'eBook:

There are literally millions of websites on the Internet, but most are ugly and ineffective. So how do you create a site that looks good and makes money?

Web Design in easy steps guides you through the process of creating a professional website, from planning to search engine promotion, explaining everything you need to know in plain English.

This proven guide, now in its 5th edition, is updated with even more design tips and instructions on making your website exciting and effective. Also covers CSS, CMS, Dreamweaver, Flash, HTML, Javascript and E-Commerce to get you started straightaway.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Web Design In Easy Steps", 5ª edizione, di Sean McManus, edito da In Easy Steps, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 7,00 e su iBookstore per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad al prezzo di Euro 7,99.

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