domenica 30 giugno 2013

Conceptual Guide to ScreenFlow - Screencasting on Mac OS X

Conceptual Guide to ScreenFlow - Screencasting on Mac OS X
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Do you want to create video tutorials on Mac OS X? ScreenFlow is a popular video editor for Mac OS X that provides elegant tools for screen capture, for video editing and for publishing to video-hosting websites such as YouTube. This short ebook will simplify the complexity in this powerful application to help you create screencasts with confidence.

When you master 5 key concepts, you will be well on your way to mastering ScreenFlow:

Concept #1: Before you start your screen capture, take a moment to plan the final output and save a lot of editing time down the road.

Concept #2: ScreenFlow places clips on a timeline, and there are many types of clips. If you understand video clips, you've got them all figured out.

Concept #3: A polished screencast has helpful animations such as zoom-and-pan effects which are accomplished using video actions in ScreenFlow. And if you understand video actions, you got audio under control too.

Concept #4: Selectively and judiciously emphasize the mouse & keys pressed during a recording.

Concept #5: Use Callouts to draw attention to a region of the screen capture.

The ebook also provides a practical 10-step workflow to guide you from screen capture through to video editing to publishing your screencast. The workflow has been sequenced to maximize editing efficiency and save you time during video editing.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Conceptual Guide to ScreenFlow - Screencasting on Mac OS X" di Jose John, edito da onekerato, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

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