mercoledì 19 giugno 2013

Kindle Publishing - Format, Publish & Promote your Books on Kindle

Kindle Publishing - Format, Publish & Promote your Books on Kindle
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"Kindle publishing has captured the imagination of aspiring writers. Now, more than at any other time in our history, an opportunity is knocking. Getting your books published no longer means sending out hundreds of letters to publishers and agents. It no longer means getting hundreds of rejection letters back. Today, you can write and publish your own books on Amazon Kindle without an agent or publisher. Everyone knows Amazon, and everyone trusts them. Within 24 hours of uploading, you can have your book available for sale on the world's best-known bookstore. Amazon will even do a lot of the promotion work for you. You need to give the promotion a little kick-start (covered in the book), but once the wheels are in motion, the Amazon engine takes over and they'll pay you up to 70% royalties on every book sold.

No-Technical knowledge required

My complete strategy for formatting, publishing and promoting your books on Kindle is documented in this book. It's what I did, and what I still do with every new book I release. You don't need to be a tech wizard, as each step is described in great detail with plenty of screenshots. If you can use a word processor, you can publish your work on Amazon!

By following the step-by-step instructions in this book, you'll know how to:
  • Check if there is a hungry market for your book.
  • Find the best keywords and know how to use them to help your book rank higher in Amazon.
  • Estimate sales of other Kindle books.
  • Format your book as you write it, without having to buy any tools or hire someone to do it for you.
  • Create a table of contents properly so that it works with the Kindle reader. Amazon could remove your book from sale if you don't do this.
  • Advanced formatting, like using bullets in your book. Most teach yourself books on Kindle publishing just say you cannot use them, but I'll show you how you can.
  • Where to get book covers done for any budget if you don't have the necessary skills to make one yourself.
  • Submit your books so they have the best possible chance of ranking in Amazon's search engine.
  • Create formatted book descriptions on Amazon. See the bold, headlines and bullets in this book description? This is not something Amazon show you how to do. I will.
  • How to update your book.
  • How to promote your book for free and what to expect. I'll show you a promo I did and how it kicked started sales (with screenshots of sales in the first 24 hours after the promotion) are included as well, to show you the promotion strategy works).
  • How to set up your Author Central profile.
  • How to make use of the look inside feature in your books.
  • Why serialization of books works, and how to do it.
  • Tracking sales of books.
  • Specific information for non-US publishers.
  • Plus lots of other stuff ...

You can use Amazon's "Look Inside" feature to check out this book before you buy it. Just click the cover image above to read the first section of the book for free.

My own success with Kindle Publishing

As I explain at the beginning of this book, I published my first Kindle book in August 2012. By December 2012 (just 5 months later), I was making what many people consider to be a full time income from my books. As part of my learning process, I setup a Facebook page in July 2012 to share my Kindle publishing journey (there is a link to the Facebook page inside this book). On that Facebook page, I shared my journey of discovery. I even shared my month by month income reports. Most of all, I helped those who asked for it (I still do). What I found was a huge and growing audience for this type of work, and ultimately, that's why I wrote this book." (Dr. Andy Williams)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Kindle Publishing - Format, Publish & Promote your Books on Kindle" del Dr. Andy Williams, edito da, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,20.

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