lunedì 18 maggio 2015

100 Essential iPad Tips & Tricks (Do It With iPad Book 2)

100 Essential iPad Tips & Tricks (Do It With iPad Book 2)

Contenuto dell'eBook:

100 Essential iPad Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts
Get the Most Out Of Your iPad
A simple and practical compilation of 100 essential iPad tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your iPad iPad. Learn how to master your iPad by following this huge compilation of tips with screenshots for popular applications

Here's some of what you will learn
  • 10 Tips for becoming a safari power user
  • Tips and Techniques for making amazing pictures and videos on your iPad
  • 10 Most important security tip every iPad user must know
  • Protecting your information by using different safety features in your iPad
  • 10 Tips for setting up iPad backup properly

˃˃˃ Get The Most Out Of Your iPad
You bought an iPad or got a present of one right? But why didn’t it come with instructions ?

Because your iPad is highly intuitive.Well the truth is folks at Apple want you to figure it out yourself but you and I both know” that’s easier said than done right? I know how frustrating it can be.

Admit to yourself that you’ve already struggled a bit figuring out some stuff on your iPad. I have come across and helped hundreds of frustrated and confused iPad users in my previous job as an Apple workshop instructor.

Now, I can save you all that time by quickly showing you how to do EVERYTHING you want to do with your iPad.

˃˃˃ Free Gifts
This book also comes with a Free Gift (10 free gifts actually). You get FREE access to 10 step-by-step video lessons with tap-by-tap instructions.

Dive into the book and learn advanced iPad tips, tricks and shortcuts to get the most out of your iPad. (Mike Jeffries)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "100 Essential iPad Tips & Tricks (Do It With iPad Book 2)" di Mike Jeffries è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,99.

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